Predator hunting time...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
For us, deer season is long since over. There's a fresh blanket of snow on the ground and more coming. It's time to get out and thin the 'yote population a little. :grin:

Going this afternoon with my youngest son and a buddy, just for a few hours. Hope to nail a yote or two. Also have my cougar tag in my pocket... Ya never know...

Later, Guy
I'm thinking the same Guy!
Snow storm moving in tonight and I am thinking of going out too.
Muzzle loader season starts on the 7th and I need to get out in the woods.

I am actually waiting to get my hands on some 60 gr BT's for the 22-250, should be great on coyotes!
Night time hunting is done with a Remington 11-87 Super Mag in 12 ga with a Surefire light under the barrel and stuffed with Dead Coyote 3.5" loads. :wink:

Good luck guys!!! I have been unsuccesfully after a song dog for a long time. They are too quick for my reflexes and my body hates the cold. That part of why I enjoy Antelope so much :) Good luck and post the pics!! CL
:cry: Guy, I still have some late Muzzleloader Elk season left but would love to get out in some of the snow we are getting and see if I could spot a Bobcat or Cougar. There is only one problem, I am leaving tommorrow for Vegas for a week long class and won't be able to participate in anything fun until I return. Damn the bad luck.
Well, we struck out. Saw one 'yote, he was heading away from us and paused at about 350 yards. I launched a 100 gr Sierra from my .25-06 and missed him. Phooey. My buddy said the bullet hit just a couple of inches behind him. The dog trotted away a little farther and paused again, but he was on the skyline then and I didn't want to chance the shot with nothing to stop my bullet. We were in wheat farm country, and there are a few homes scattered around out there.

Still, the three of us had a fun time! Saw some deer. Drove through a lot of snow. We revisited many of the areas where we normally hunt mulies.

Regards, Guy