Primers(large rifle vs Magnum)


Mar 6, 2011
ok this question has been ask before im sure. But im gonna ask it anyway :lol: Is there any advantage or disadvantage to Magnum primers over large primers. I ask this because i got it from a pretty good source You shouldnt use magnum primers with slower burning powders unless you are going to be hunting or shooting in really cold weather. But i see that alot of people use them and wondering why. Do they increase your pressure or not, some say they do and some say they dont.
I live and hunt in the midsouth so i will not be hunting in extremely cold temps except this year was cold as heck here :lol: oh and im loading for a 25-06 and a 243
I just use them when the books call for it. Usually I run into them with a heavy load of 760 or such powder
Savage Shooter,

Welcome to the forum. You'll likely find a number of people who share your enthusiasm for Savage arms.

There will be neither an advantage nor a disadvantage in your rifles with using magnum primers instead of large rifle primers. You will have no difficulty igniting the powder column in either your 25-06 or your 243 with standard primers. You may witness a pressure increase using magnum primers. If you opt to use them, remember to work up to ensure that you have no serious problems with pressure. I wouldn't anticipate major problems, but you will likely witness a measurable increase in velocity which translates out to increased pressure.
I usually stick to standard primers with stick powders, and magnum primers with ball powders. Ballpowders can be a little more difficult to ignite.
2nd what Antelope Sniper said. You may find that some mag primers will give you better accuracy that any other primer. You will just have to play with the loads. My most accurate load for my 25-06 is with the use of CCI 250 mag primers. The powder load is listed in the #4 Sierra manual as the accuracy load for 117 gr bullets. It is 49 grs IMR 4350. When working up my load I tried many different primers, all the CCI, WW, Rem, Fed large rifle primers and all my groups hovered around 1/2" at 100 yards which was not satisfactory for me with a custom Rem 700 with a Shilen match grade SS barrel. I decided to try some CCI 250 mag primers and BINGO bug hole groups and 3000 fps velocity. I have used this load for about 16 years and if they could talk well over 100 dead whitetail deer would attest to their accuracy and hammering ability.

Use what you have and start low on the powder and work your way up to see what you get.
My deciding factor whether I use a std or mag primer is based on the rifle, Magnum calibers - I use mag primers, 243, 308, 30-06, and so on, I use std primers.
I will try several primers during load development. Use the one that works best. In my 25/06 it was a WLRM, in my 300WSM is was a WLR. No set rule applies.Rick.
thanks guys for the good info looking forward to some reloading and shooting soon well as soon as work allows lol