Product ???


Sep 23, 2010
Ok Nosler, after 4 months and 3 states insearch of some 30 caliber 150gr. Accubonds I have given up. What gives? Please when will this end?

Nosler bullets are hard to find where I live. Powder is impossible. It is very frustrating. I shot up 4 lbs. of IMR-4831,two lbs of H-4831 and one lb. of H4350 just in the past two summers. I only have one lb. of leverevolution and one lb. of 4064 left and thats it. I,m almost shut down. Who knows when this will end.
Jager1":1z22rat2 said:
Ok Nosler, after 4 months and 3 states insearch of some 30 caliber 150gr. Accubonds I have given up. What gives? Please when will this end?

What do you need them for and how many?
I'm pretty sure I've got two boxes of them. I would trade them for 257 Roberts brass or if its something you really need, I'll just send them to you and you can replace them when they become available.

......but if you cheat me, I'll have my Italian Mother-in-law curse your family for eternity. :)
Its turning around. I can find all that stuff on the shelf. Just yesterday the gun store by my house had 2 -8# jugs of imr 4350 & 4831. As well as a number of other powders in 1# cans. 7828 ssc, 4320, american select, imr PB, rl 25& 33 and quite a few others. Largest selection I have seen in a long time. The sportsmans warehouse here has. 308 - 150ab and bt as well as the parts. And today I saw 250 boxes of berrys plated bullets in 45 and 40.
Just to kind of wrap this thread up.....
I was thinking I'd be sending a couple of boxes of Nosler AB's out to the State of Minnesota in return for a promissory note, but Jager took it upon him self to head into the far reaches of MN and somewhere found a hidden cache of Mr. Roberts brass. So what we have is a mutually beneficial exchange. Thanks Jager1!

I'll tell my Mother-in-law to stand down. :)