Punt Gun :)


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
How would you like to fire this bad boy :) I love this picture it is awesome. Really like the proper hunting attire.

Most of them were lashed to small boats and used for commercial waterfowl hunting. Pretty cool idea!
That one might compete with Fotis's 378 Lol 8). I am not sure if we could mount a NF on it though :mrgreen:.

There is one hanging from the ceiling in Corlanes Sporting Goods. It would have taken out a raft of ducks with one pull of the trigger. Course, the shooter would have to row all the way back across the lake after firing to pick up the birds. :mrgreen:
They were very popular with the market hunters and were used on belly boats. You can go to the Maryland Eastern Shore and down threw Virginia and see them hanging in sporting goods stores and Waterman Museums. Very popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
That looks like Fotis. :mrgreen: I'm the bi pod on the right. :lol:

He does look like a youthful Fotis, maybe a relative? :grin:

That will work in flat country I guess if you are hunting in steep country you need a tall guy for the front, switch guys for downhill shots :mrgreen:
gerry":2ucwyk33 said:
That will work in flat country I guess if you are hunting in steep country you need a tall guy for the front, switch guys for downhill shots :mrgreen:

Good observation, Gerry. :grin:
They had one of them hanging up in the feed mill. I was told that it used 1/2 pound of powder and 2 pounds of shot and was fired with a #4 blasting cap. Would be great for removing a field of unwanted gophers.
I would love one to hang over the fireplace, that would look cool 8)
Our rock chimney fireplace upstairs is about 8 feet wide, might not be big enough though......
Pretty dramatic video! I understand how a punt gun could wipe out an entire flock of ducks.
Both of those are cool videos thanks for posting. The boat got pushed back pretty good on the second one.
Using that shotgun could cause a major headache. But it would bring a new meaning to the term flock shooting :mrgreen:.
