QL info RL 23 264WM


Apr 30, 2016
So a buddy gave me 1/2 pound of RL-23..It never really piqued my interest before, but free is free! I want to try it in my 264 WM 24" barrel and 130gr AccuBond..I've looked in all my books and at Alliant and bullet makers sites and really can't find anything.
Cartridge          : .264 Win. Mag.
Bullet             : .264, 130, Nosler AccuBond 56902
Useable Case Capaci: 75.522 grain H2O = 4.904 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : Alliant Reloder-23

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   76    51.76   2540    1862   32059  11632     99.0    1.610
-18.0   78    53.05   2599    1950   34244  11881     99.5    1.570
-16.0   80    54.35   2658    2040   36542  12104     99.8    1.531
-14.0   82    55.64   2717    2130   38974  12298    100.0    1.485
-12.0   84    56.94   2774    2222   41551  12466    100.0    1.440
-10.0   85    58.23   2831    2314   44281  12625    100.0    1.397
-08.0   87    59.52   2887    2406   47171  12782    100.0    1.356
-06.0   89    60.82   2942    2499   50232  12935    100.0    1.316
-04.0   91    62.11   2997    2593   53475  13086    100.0    1.278  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0   93    63.41   3051    2688   56909  13233    100.0    1.242  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0   95    64.70   3105    2783   60549  13377    100.0    1.207  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0   97    65.99   3158    2879   64406  13517    100.0    1.173  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0   99    67.29   3211    2976   68497  13654    100.0    1.141  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0  101    68.58   3263    3074   72837  13787    100.0    1.110  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  103    69.88   3316    3173   77445  13917    100.0    1.080  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  104    71.17   3367    3273   82341  14042    100.0    1.051  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     95    64.70   3205    2965   72343  13006    100.0    1.118  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     95    64.70   2954    2519   48616  13911    100.0    1.328
I am trying to learn the QL stuff, since the disc is on order. Correct me if I am wrong, is the best OBT between 60.82 and 62.11 grains? I made that assumption by looking on OBT on Node #7 as 1.4343. Do you keep crunching the powder chrages on QL until the numbers closely matches between the above chart and the OBT chart with the 7 Nodes? Correct me if I am wrong, thanks
You need to get the real chrono speeds then put that back into QL. Once you've got the real numbers then referencing the OBT nodes seems like a great place to work from.