Rainy Brass prep/football Saturday.


Feb 14, 2007
Well I had some shooting to do today with the 338 WM and four test loads of H4350, but its raining :( . Guess I'll get the press all switched around, and resize all the 280 AI brass, and load a few more retest loads for the 7-08 W/140 AB and Big Game. Might even have to start resizing all my .243 win brass. Only have ten left to shoot.

Got a few guns to clean up and get ready to send down the road next week as well.
We had a degree today! It's been cold with lots of snow on the ground here in Upstate NY. I'm in the same situation. Been doing brass prep by the boatloads. Got my driveway plowed (no small feat, it's .45 miles long) and the wood caddies are full of wood ... all by 10:30. More brass to do. At least it will be done come spring.
Last week I preped over 100. 308 and 223 will get back to them again in a week or so. I have found prepping to be time consuming and like playing a musical insturement (painful). Once I get past prep things move along even with a single stage press. I am in the last (i hope) stages of load development for both of these. I had a little confusion in my note keeping, so with one I am confused as to which case it likes best, and will the other its which bullet. I shot them both at the same time on my last range day, and I think I transposed the info from one to the other. We have had almost 6 inches of rain in our area over the last week. !!
jmad_81":1yb0nq6k said:
Got a few guns to clean up and get ready to send down the road next week as well.

Whoa, you can get rid of guns? Didn't know that. Now that I think about it, kinda frightening!

What'cha getting shut of?
A Rem. 700 7 mag 26" , a Savage 93 17 HMR with scope, and a mark III target 22LR pistol. I need the cash for a new project and I don't shoot them anymore. Plus my safe is over flowing ( more family treasures that never get shot than ones that get shot). Someday I'll get a bigger safe, but for now I'm working on quality, not quantity :wink: