Ramshot Magnum????


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Anyone aver give this one a go?

What were your results?
I use a fair amount of Magnum. Generally, it gives good velocities, though accuracy in a variety of cartridges is so-so. There are a few selected instances where the accuracy matches the velocities. I do try to maintain a good supply, especially for large capacity cartridges.
Standard Deviations are very good. It burns well and gives me high consistency. I just don't always see the accuracy I want, especially when I'm comparing it with other powders. Often, the accuracy potential is adequate for a given cartridge; but almost inevitably, I find another powder that gives me even better accuracy. It is one of the powders I'm currently testing in a 338 RUM shooting 265 grain TSXs. I would expect good accuracy, and the other powders I'm testing will prove even better.
Good. I might have to try it in my 270 Bee.
I have used it in 270 Bees. It shot acceptably in every instance. One factor I have to keep in mind is availability for those who are purchasing the recipe. Magnum availability here in Canada can be spotty, which colours my perception on occasion.
Over here in Cheyenne it is as plentiful as the wind!

Any data on the Bee Doc?
That is the only powder I have ever used that will give me 2 of 3 or 3 of 3 duplicate reading across the chrono. I love the stuff but around here it's not so easy to come by. Cabelas in Springfield carries ramshot powder but not always magnum for some reason.

Looking back at some of my data Magnum has been one of my most accurate powders.
I used it in the 264 WM but Retumbo worked better in it, it would be a good one to try for sure others have had great results.
I have had great results with it in 300 win mag and 7mm rem mag. Very consistant Speed,accuracy and sd.Has always been one of my favorites.Lee

I'll give you some data as soon as I'm home from church. I'm rushing out the door right now.
I first tried it back in 2001,then the reason was just to try something different. I can say that Western powders is a great oranization, if you have a question they go out of there way to help you.They have great products ,I also love Tac for my .223 . Hunter and Big Game i also like but dont use as much as Magnum and Tac. They also burn very clean with easy and consistant metering.Lee

What bullet are you thinking of for the 270 Wby?

130 AB or 140 AB

Of course if the craziness kicks in

85 gr E-tip at 4k?????????????

I used Ramshot Magnum for a number of years while living in Colorado. Loaded in my 300 RUM shooting the old Barnes blue coated 180 bullets back then. I could get 3300 fps plus with really good accuracy. Clean burning powder. My powder charge was 99.5 grains back then. Switched to Nosler 180 AB and could not get the results with it I had experienced previously. Reloader 25 and Retumbo proved better. FYI, last fall I fiddled some with US869 Powder with the 200 AB. Velocity results were disappointing too, FWIW.

FOTIS":2o8fxuyo said:
130 AB or 140 AB

Of course if the craziness kicks in

85 gr E-tip at 4k?????????????

Well if you do then kiss your throat goodbye in about 400 to 500 rounds max maybe even less! :mrgreen: