Shot the 300 Win Mag again today. Still using 40 year old Speer 180 gr. bullets 72 gr. H-4350 and my old push feed M. 70. Did not go as well as yesterday but learning is what its all about. Set up the target at 620 yards. Dialed up 620 and then put three about 18 inches low in a 10 inch group up and down. So after reviewing yesterdays 320 yard target, which had a 2.4 inch group but a couple of inches low I, removed the turrent cranked in 2 more clicks and went back to my shooting spot. After three more shots I checked the target and found no holes what so ever. I am using a pallet as a target holder with a 2 foot square piece of kraft paper as a target. So back to the rifle again. After setting for a while and reviewing my steps earlier, and checking out the rifle carefully I discovered that I had failed to crank up the scope to 620. Apparently that "does" make a difference, especially at that distance. I fired my third string and found a 8" group upon arriving at the target. But still quite low, about 8.5 inches. I added one more click to the scope for my last group at 3.435 inches and did not change the impact point significantly. So here is my analysis. The turret is graduated for 6000 feet elevation and 30 degrees with the 180 PT. Upon looking at my Ballistics chart for 1000, feet and 70 degrees (essentially my conditions today) I found that because of the different weather and elevation conditions the bullet, will hit 4 inches lower at that distance. That still leaves me with 4 inches of drop unaccounted for. I will reshoot the 320 target again to insure the point of aim, if I am a little low that will make up a little. I was really conservative when I ordered the turret, my estimated at 3050. Any comments or suggestions.