Range day at Woodycreek's place


Dec 24, 2006
Well, Brian invited me down to shoot at his hunt club where he has access to about a 600 yard cutover. He already had steel set up at the 591 yard line and a place to verify at 300. Pretty slick set up really. I brought 4 of my rifles down to shoot. The 338WM, 35 Whelen, 270WSM and my 264WM. Well, I went to work at the 300 yard line, verifying and adjusting my zeros. I really wanted to see how well the Minox's tracked going from their zero's to the 600 yard dope.


Okay, this is the first target we had set up at 300 yards. The first rifle up was my 338WM. I shot the first one in the bull and the next three are in the lower right. I was running the 250 AB's in that rifle.

After that, I pulled out the 264WM with the new load of RL25 and the 140 BT's. I had pretty high hopes of that combo. It didn't let me down a bit. The three shots on the upper left, with two touching and one a touch out was what I was rewarded with.

After that I pulled the Whelen (225 AB @ 2750) out, the random shot on the bottom was the first I think and a dope change put me just under the bull, giving me my 250 yard zero for the Whelen.

I don't have many pictures, but the 270WSM (150 BT @ 3125) did about a 2" group at 300. Brian said it was bigger, but I am sticking with 2". I had to do a little micro adjustment, to get it right on at 300, but it seemed good..

I wished I had a picture of targets at 600 and may try to get them the next time out, but I shot a 4-5" group at 600 with the Whelen in order to verify my dope at 600. I was beside myself. Having never shot the 35 Whelen at 600, it was fairly easy once I got the dope worked out. I dialed in 49 clicks with the Minox and went to work. After that, I dialed back to 300 to verify it moved properly, it did. Very happy with the Minox's on the Whelen and 338WM. I did the same with the VX3 on the 270WSM. The Leupold is a touch tougher to dial as there isn't a way to mark your zero, it kinda had a little sliding ring which you can use to position under the zero, it works, but the Minox is a better set up.

After dialing, the 338 and 270WSM were on steel pretty quick at 600, conditions were pretty decent, alot of mirage though, but light wind, probably less than 5MPH most of the day.

Now, the 264 just has a cheesy little Nikon Pro Staff on it. I pulled up the BDC calculator Nikon provides on their website, entered in the ballistic data and figured out where I needed to hold. Well, once I found that, I was ringing steel pretty easily with it. Their BDC system does work pretty nice actually, no complaints..

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of the range and set up.

3 shots from Brian's 243 AI with the 105 Amax at 300


Here is the shooting area.


You can just make out the 600 yard targets in the upper left of the picture. Pretty tough to see, but they were there!

Here is me and Tom, another one of the fellers that comes out and shoots. He brought out the 338 Lapua that is in the forefront of the picture.. Great dude!


Here are a couple other pictures of the toys brought out to shoot. An AR and a M1A with a Troy chassis on it. I am sure Brian will have some to add to it, but I appreciate the opportunity to sling lead with such good guys.


Both the Minox's and VX3's worked well with dialing. I did find that turning past the setting and backing up assured better and more reliable movement. I had a blast shooting the Whelen out to 600. Pretty decent for a woods cartridge and more than accurate enough and plenty of power to take longer shots, should you know your gun and where it shoots. Oh, and the wind isn't howling!

Hoping to get some more time like that with the rifles. Pretty fun to stretch them out once in awhile and just shoot off the ground! I was getting a little burned out on the bench. I promise to get some pictures of the 600 yard groups with the Whelen and others next time as it is a little unbelievable, but I think Brian will back me up.
Hey Scotty, it sure looks like you had a great time. That 35 out to 600 yards :mrgreen: you can just about get rid of that 338win mag. :wink: You know that I am kidding :grin:
Glad that you were able to get out and have a good day.

Some great pictures and some excellent shooting. That is a great looking range.

Well done buddy! Who said the 35 Whelen was a short range round anyway? :mrgreen:
The 264 WM is rockin!

Sounds like a great day, Scott. It must be an incredible feeling to hear the steel ring at 600 with your guns and loads.
Guys, I love to shoot and when I can use my own stuff to really stretch it, that makes me happy.

Dan, the 338 is safe. Both the Whelen and 338 really are alot of fun and are my primary elk rifles! I have a feeling your going to be heaven when you get yours!

I'm still feeling pretty good from that outing.
Great job Scotty! I guess the old .35 Whelen with those big old hips on her isn't too bad at distance after all! :mrgreen: :grin: I'm not surprised that those big old slugs would hit the steel at that distance. Nice shooting and WAY too much fun.
Nice shooting, Marine! I'd have to say you've got the 264 dialed in for sure. I'm hoping my 270Wby will look that good at 300 next time I'm shooting.

Scotty, I believe you've done me in, sir. I'll be figuring out a way to get out to my hunting lease after my wife's next exam (next Wednesday) and see how far I can shoot. I know there are places where I can see nearly 1k, but I'm not sure about getting a shot off through the 4-5' tall grass. I've definitely got a 400-500yd range out there looking down a two rut road, if the swales aren't too high to shoot over looking down the hill. I'll have to get some loading done at lunch this week...
Good stuff Scotty :!: ...you'r an animal pal :twisted: ...Lou :wink: ..Yah, I'm one too :wink:
That 338 Lapua looks pretty darn neat. I got to shoot one that a guy here has. It was fun to shoot and with the brake wasn't bad! It shot really well.
Nice day at the range gents!

I can just barely see the blanket halfway out in the 600 yd range in your picture. Ya know, the one where you shot the second set from that 300 yd max Whelen thingy... :wink:

That 264WM is starting to wear in nice.

Very braggable group there Brian. I've never played with a 243AI before but the numbers look awesome as does your shooting.

I don't see too many improvements to the M1A that I like other than a rail but that set-up looks awesome. 8)
Nice shooting guys!
That 264 is rocking Scotty.
You need to just make that your elk rifle.
Can't imagine you'd ever need anything more.

Looks like a heck of a good time! I'd sure like to see what my Whelen will do at long range, but I need to work up some new loads... Grand Slams are great bullets, but aerodynamic they aren't.
Excellent! Looks like you guys had a good time with some cool hardware.

Good shooting!
Glad the gang got a chance to shoot at the 600 yard range and what a great day to shoot. Scotty started the day off with his collection of Winchesters and they all got it done. The 264 Win Mag shot that crazy small group at 300 then went to work on the steel at 600. Really a fun rifle to shoot at distance. The 338 Win Mag made easy work of the steel also. But the real surprise was the 35 Whelen at 600 and it's not even a Winchester :mrgreen:
I took the 243AI with 105gr Amaxs and 300 RUM with 200gr ABs. Both of them worked the steel over with everybody getting a turn on them. Tom's 338 Lapua got used the most with close to fifty rounds down the tube. It's really fun to shoot with that Nightforce and suppressor. Think everybody has voted to shoot at the 600 range more often since we had so much fun.
OK, Scotty, we know the .264 shoots crazy-flat.... Next time, let us know how the Guide Rifle does!
BK":1p1w6kr3 said:
OK, Scotty, we know the .264 shoots crazy-flat.... Next time, let us know how the Guide Rifle does!
+1 :!: :lol:

That looks like a very fun day with good company!