RCBS Charge Master or Lyman 1200 DPS 3


Apr 25, 2005
I am looking at buying one of the automatic charge dispensers. Which one would you suggest? I am looking at the Lyman and RCBS models. I have heard they are slow dispensing powder. How slow are they?
I have the 1200 dpsII and have had no problems with it. It drops a powder charge as fast as I can seat a bullet. I have emptied the hopper twice and it is pretty easy. I have on several occasions stopped the unit in the middle of the warm up period to test the accuracy. It has always been spot on compared to a beam scale. Even letting it cycle up for 20 min isnt that big a deal. I dont very often need ammo right this second. I just turn it on and eat dinner or do something else and then go load. Anyway I like mine and would recommend it.
I too am looking at getting one of these two powder despencers. Are they pretty cosistant with different types of powder (i.e. extruded, short cut, and so on.)? How accurate are they?
I have a new Chargemaster. It is very accurate and I have had no problem with any of the powders I use. As per the previous post, it is definitely faster than the older model and the Lyman I tried. Thumbs up on this unit.
As far as the speed issue goes, at least for me. I cant pick up a case, pour the powder into it , pick up a bullet and seat it in less then 25 seconds. So unless you are loading all the cases before moving on to the next step. What does the difference in 10 secs matter. I had to laugh at the predicted time savings on the review. Can anyone here lad shells that fast for more than a few mins? I cant Im way to anal about each shell.
I use a Lyman 1200 DPS 2 that I upgraded with the new DPS 3 powder box. It will throw 50 grains of IMR powder in under 20 seconds which is faster than I can seat a bullet and put the cartridge in the loading block.

Accuracy is outstanding and as mentioned the warm-up period can be dealt with with a little time management. I usually turn the unit on and then prime all my cases and set up the loading blocks. Usually by the the time I am done it is time to start dumping powder.