RCBS Customer Service

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I nhave a RCBS/Ohaus 10-10-10 powder scale that I bought back in the 1970's and is my only powder scale so it has seen alot of use over the years.
I notice the little tab on the powder pan was getting flexable but just lived with it till it finally broke off. I thought no big deal I'll just use a pan off another scale I had boxed up that came with a Dillon 550B I bought at a Sportsman's flea market thinking it should work and I would be able to just zero the scale and go on with reloading. Nope it wouldn't work so I tried gluing the tab back on, though the tab was held secure the pan now weighed too much and again I couldn't zero the scale.
Long story short I removed the glue and just placed the tab on the pan holder which allowed me to zero the scale.
I worked with it like this for a couple of months and finally got tired of trying to pick the pan off the holder and spilling powder so I called RCBS and waited for ever(10min) for a customer service rep to pick up the line. It turned out to be a very polite young lady who sounded like she was new on the job, alot of hesitation in her responses, but I told her my problem and after a pause she offered to replace the pan free of charge and include a new pan holder and a new beam that would zero out with the new pan since the weight I presumed would be different. I gave her my shipping info and thanked her for her help and sending me a new powder pan and other parts free wishing her a happpy thanksgiving.
Now to wait for it all to arrive so I can see if she gets it right.
Glad you called RCBS. You got the typical great customer service that they have given over decades. RCBS is a first class company that stands behind their products.

This is the first time I have used them but used to get updated reloading info for my manuals which stopped years ago and I sort of miss that service but I'm sure it became a finacial burden over the years and was discontinued.
I have found most of the shooting industry to be very helpful and all have had excelent customer service.
When I lived in California, I cracked my RCBS collet bullet puller. I told them I thought I was using it improperly, by threading it too far into my press and leaving the puller end where it expands and grabs the bullet to be pulled. I drove to Oroville, about 1 hour from our place. Explained to the guy behind the counter what happened. He walked into the back and came out and placed a new bullet puller on the counter. I asked what do I owe you? He said nothing and ever since that day I have bought nothing but RCBS. This happened in 1980 or 1981

RCBS customer service....
The only negative I can say is they don't have enough staffing. Long hold times and they only work 4 days per week.
That said when you do get a live body they're very good at taking care of the issue even if it's user error. Definitely trying to keep a loyal following and a future blue sky. Evident by the OP's experience they're succeeding.
They have been top notch for me, each and every time I have called. Every company should mimic their customer service.
I agree with what has been said about the quality of the customer service given by RCBS, About the only thing they don't do well is with the electronic powder measures. If it's within the warrantee tie you're good to go. Past that time they give you a contact number/address on a place in the southeast corner of Arizona that AFAIK, is the only place that repairs the Chargemaster series off measures. They must be awful busy as I've never gotten anyone to answer the phone. K'm close enough that it would probably be about a two hour drive to their front door should I need their services.
Paul B.
RCBS has been great for me as well. I inherited a single stage RCBS press that was missing a small part. One email and they sent me a replacement with a couple extras free of charge.
I probably have the craziest RCBS free replacement story. I had a cat that liked to chew electrical cords, I kept all the important cords in the plastic conduit so it couldn't get them. I forgot one night with my brass tumbler on the counter, got up to a chewed up mess. Called RCBS just to see what they recommended and how to take things apart to get to the cord tie in. Once the nice lady stopped laughing from my cat story she said she would send me a cord with instructions on how to install it. She said it was the craziest story she had to date.
I probably have the craziest RCBS free replacement story. I had a cat that liked to chew electrical cords, I kept all the important cords in the plastic conduit so it couldn't get them. I forgot one night with my brass tumbler on the counter, got up to a chewed up mess. Called RCBS just to see what they recommended and how to take things apart to get to the cord tie in. Once the nice lady stopped laughing from my cat story she said she would send me a cord with instructions on how to install it. She said it was the craziest story she had to date.
The cat was lucky it wasn't plugged in.
I probably have the craziest RCBS free replacement story. I had a cat that liked to chew electrical cords, I kept all the important cords in the plastic conduit so it couldn't get them. I forgot one night with my brass tumbler on the counter, got up to a chewed up mess. Called RCBS just to see what they recommended and how to take things apart to get to the cord tie in. Once the nice lady stopped laughing from my cat story she said she would send me a cord with instructions on how to install it. She said it was the craziest story she had to date.
Don't know what it is about cats and electrical cords but ours has chewed on a few over the years. Glad they took care of you and gave the lady a good story as well.
My brother-in-law had a knuckleheaded hound named Calvin who had a bad habit of chewing things up. One night he chewed into the conduit and wiring of their A/C compressor unit in the back yard. Calvin didn't do that anymore after that. B-I-L went and opened the sliding glass door to feed Calvin his breakfast and called to him and Calvin just stood where he was, stone cold dead. Weird but true.

RCBS was no help. LOL.
My brother-in-law had a knuckleheaded hound named Calvin who had a bad habit of chewing things up. One night he chewed into the conduit and wiring of their A/C compressor unit in the back yard. Calvin didn't do that anymore after that. B-I-L went and opened the sliding glass door to feed Calvin his breakfast and called to him and Calvin just stood where he was, stone cold dead. Weird but true.

RCBS was no help. LOL.
