RCBS is all right by me.


Feb 2, 2008
I had an old tumbler for about 20 years and the motor finally went DOA.
I called RCBS and they sent me a new motor for $15.00. Well that motor lasted about 3 or 4 months and it died. Well I called them again and they just sent me another one. This one lasted about 4 months and died also. Well I called again and they sent me another one. This one lasted about 6 months and then the casing cracked. Well they said send it back and it will be replaced. Well I did and about 2 weeks later a large box came from them and in it was a brand new tumbler. All of this except for the first motor was for FREE. Hows that for service.
I have had similar experiences. Great company.

It was good service, and RCBS certainly has earned that reputation. However, quality of the motor is suspect when you had to attempt to work with four motors before receiving a replacement tumbler.
RCBS also helped me out with some free anvil rods for my old RCBS hand priming tool. They worked with me to find the right model configuration and part number. Plus, they paid for the rods and shipping. I would have gladly paid but they took care of it. Thanks RCBS, you did great.
RCBS is a first class company! They understand the meaning of customer service.

I have been well treated by them. Many a part for dies/trimmer for free. Hornady has also done well for me including a complete new die because the old broke one was no longer made like that design. Cannot say the same about lee service.
I've had good experiences with RCBS... also Redding (mfg most of my dies) and a couple of other gun stuff suppliers.

Why are gun product manufacturers so much more responsive / customer service oriented than is typical among other product makers? At this point, the gun companies do it to maintain competitiveness... but what got them started while other product mfg didn't??
Posit":2346uoto said:
I've had good experiences with RCBS... also Redding (mfg most of my dies) and a couple of other gun stuff suppliers.

Why are gun product manufacturers so much more responsive / customer service oriented than is typical among other product makers? At this point, the gun companies do it to maintain competitiveness... but what got them started while other product mfg didn't??

I think word of mouth travels so fast among the shooting/hunting community, being a niche market to start with, companies want to keep their customers happy and have them spread good word of mouth about them! Best advertisement in the world! Scotty