RCBS or Reddington Match grade dies


Apr 25, 2007
Come spring I will be reloading for the 223rem and want a great set of matche grade dies with a neck sizer, body or FL die, and a Bullet setter with a dial in depth meter.

The RCBS has a bullet window and I am not sure if thats good or bad?
And than there is what size bushings to get? Once I have fired brass to gage by I will need a target size and than do I buy two more one smaller and one larger?

Also any favorite components? Please comment.
I am planning to start with Lapua brass, Berger 52gr HPV and 50gr Blizt Kings, Bench Mark powder, and here goes a primer list to pick from. Federal 205M, CCIBR4, or Rem 7 1/2. I like federals but like the smaller packaging of the CCI/REM. I will buy a case and stick with them once done. Are there any real performance differances making one better or just the price?
I like Redding dies a bunch myself. Nothing huge, just seem to work smoother for me. To be honest though, it is really hard not to look at Forster either. Those have kinda become my go to dies really. Very nice seating and sizing dies and the price for like die sets is pretty comparable. Again, I think all three are great, but those would be my picks.
I have sets of both Redding and RCBS match grade dies. Each works well. The window on the RCBS is a very nice feature that simplifies life. Redding makes a great die. Like Scotty, I gravitate to Forster dies for almost all of my own rifles, however. Having said that, I would not hesitate to pick up either of the die sets you name.