RE: Shipping to Canada


May 19, 2007
This post is for reference only, please check all regulations before ordering.

30 Whisper, I feel your pain with the Canadian border. From my experiance I've found that I'm legally allowed 8KG of gun powder/propellant, 5000 loaded rounds and I can not remember how many primers, but I've come across with 2 bricks of them and had no trouble. The laws that won't allow shipping across the border are from the US and there is a 250,000 USD fine for violations. To my knowledge it is not illegal for a non-retail item (such as a gift from a family member) to be shipped across; however, I could be wrong. I bought alot of components off of Ebay before the stopped allowing sale of components. The site also sells Nosler seconds and I believe they do ship. If reloading seconds can ship you may be able to get them to order what you need as well. I have been wondering if I should call to check if they can. From what I understand the regulations may tighten up alot more making the use of a credit card from another country or a foreign bank account illegal to use to pay for mail order reloading components etc.

I would recommend calling the State Dept. or the Canadian CFC to check the exact regulations. Once again, please check for yourselves, I DON'T want to be the one to say it is legal and then get somebody in trouble.

Anybody else with information to share would be greatly apprecaited.
