Redding custom shell holders


May 12, 2009
Anybody try these? They come in a set that allow you to adjust the shoulder set back by increasing the height of the shell holder. Starting at a .002" lift and going up to .010" in .002" increments. The idea is to start with the .010" - resize the case and test in your chamber then work backwords till you get a case that just fits in your chamber. It allows for FL sizing while working the shoulder the minimum. Should be good for hunting cartridges and prolonging brass life not to mention accuracy increases. It allows the reloader to adjust die flush to the shell holder every time(consistency).

yes I use them with a rcbs precision mic or the hornady tool . these shellholders are the cats meow. you get the same results every time . no messing around trying to adjust the sizing die a thousandth or two . you just turn your die in to hit the shellholder . these are a very good product . Jim
I'm a little afraid to try them... If I do, I will probably end up having to buy them for everything... .223 cases, '06, belted mags, WSM/RUM/RSAUM, .30-30. Actually, that won't be that bad. Thought there were more.
I was thinking the same thing until I realized two sets would cover twelve cartridges I load and a third set would take care of everything except the .22 Hornet.
I've been using them for a number of years, and yes, you do end up with a number of sets, but they make sizing extremely easy and needless to say repeatable accuracy is great.