Redding seater deforming the ogive


Feb 13, 2016
I am in the process of fireforming 200 pieces of 6 BR Lapua brass. I have a good stash of 105 Berger Hybrids, but won't want to waste them in fireforming, so I used the new 500 round box of Hornady match 105's. Seated the first bullet, and noticed that the seater cup deformed the ogive a bit, so I tried a 2nd bullet, same thing. Pulled those bullets out, put the cases aside and used a third fresh case and seated a leftover Berger Hybrid from an old batch, and no deformation visible, and seated a Vapor Trail 105, no deformation at all. On a side to side comparison with the Hornady, Berger and Vapor Trail, the Hornady has a more pronounced rounded ogive further up front than the Berger and Vapor Trail which is more sleeker. Not sure if the Redding seater needs a special cup, because this never happened to me before. I think the Hornady bullets are soft as well. What would the reason be if you guys know? I may want to give Redding and Hornady a call come Monday.
the seating stem doesn't match the bullet profile , is the most likely cause . a compressed load can cause this . too much neck tension can cause this . dry necks can cause this . a donut can cause this . no chamfer on the case neck can cause this. I like to use a VLD chamfer tool . I'd probably talk to redding to see if they have a seating stem that matches the problem bullet better . you can also bed a bullet to a seating stem . this pretty much makes the seating stem a one bullet stem . but gives about a perfect match .
the seating stem doesn't match the bullet profile , is the most likely cause . a compressed load can cause this . too much neck tension can cause this . dry necks can cause this . a donut can cause this . no chamfer on the case neck can cause this. I like to use a VLD chamfer tool . I'd probably talk to redding to see if they have a seating stem that matches the problem bullet better . you can also bed a bullet to a seating stem . this pretty much makes the seating stem a one bullet stem . but gives about a perfect match .
A proper analysis of the problem and suggested fix.
Remove the stem - chuck up a bullet in a cordless drill - put a little lapping compound on the bullet ojive - ease the spinning bullet into the seating stem a few times, adding compound as needed. This should smooth the edge of the stem that is creating the ring on the Hornady bullets. Try seating bullets and repeat the process if more smoothing is needed.

It's a cheap, easy fix that usually works.
Remove the stem - chuck up a bullet in a cordless drill - put a little lapping compound on the bullet ojive - ease the spinning bullet into the seating stem a few times, adding compound as needed. This should smooth the edge of the stem that is creating the ring on the Hornady bullets. Try seating bullets and repeat the process if more smoothing is needed.

It's a cheap, easy fix that usually works.
Charlie beat me to it.
I am in the process of fireforming 200 pieces of 6 BR Lapua brass. I have a good stash of 105 Berger Hybrids, but won't want to waste them in fireforming, so I used the new 500 round box of Hornady match 105's. Seated the first bullet, and noticed that the seater cup deformed the ogive a bit, so I tried a 2nd bullet, same thing. Pulled those bullets out, put the cases aside and used a third fresh case and seated a leftover Berger Hybrid from an old batch, and no deformation visible, and seated a Vapor Trail 105, no deformation at all. On a side to side comparison with the Hornady, Berger and Vapor Trail, the Hornady has a more pronounced rounded ogive further up front than the Berger and Vapor Trail which is more sleeker. Not sure if the Redding seater needs a special cup, because this never happened to me before. I think the Hornady bullets are soft as well. What would the reason be if you guys know? I may want to give Redding and Hornady a call come Monday.
New lapua brass has way too much neck tention.
I run them through a mandrel before seating virgin lapua brass.
Called Redding, tech mentioned that the competition seating die for the 6 BR is a standard cup, and there is a VLD cup / stem to purchase. Strange thing is the Berger Hybrid and Vapor Trails works well with the standard cup if using new Lapua brass. It's possible that the Hornady is a softer bullet that the ogive deforms slightly after seating.
As a test, I seated the Hornady Match on fired sized cases from the older lot that I currently use with Bergers, and it seated just fine without any deformation. Strange that the new brass is a bit tighter than the fired cases on the older lot.
Remove the stem - chuck up a bullet in a cordless drill - put a little lapping compound on the bullet ojive - ease the spinning bullet into the seating stem a few times, adding compound as needed. This should smooth the edge of the stem that is creating the ring on the Hornady bullets. Try seating bullets and repeat the process if more smoothing is needed.

It's a cheap, easy fix that usually works.
Called Redding, tech mentioned that the competition seating die for the 6 BR is a standard cup, and there is a VLD cup / stem to purchase.
I’ve found that the 30 cal. A-max jackets tend to be soft. I’ve done the chuck up a bullet with lapping compound to Hornady stems.
LE Wilson does the same thing with their inline seater , ship them out with a standard stem and you need to purchase a VLD stem.