- Feb 13, 2016
- 2,668
- 2,511
I am in the process of fireforming 200 pieces of 6 BR Lapua brass. I have a good stash of 105 Berger Hybrids, but won't want to waste them in fireforming, so I used the new 500 round box of Hornady match 105's. Seated the first bullet, and noticed that the seater cup deformed the ogive a bit, so I tried a 2nd bullet, same thing. Pulled those bullets out, put the cases aside and used a third fresh case and seated a leftover Berger Hybrid from an old batch, and no deformation visible, and seated a Vapor Trail 105, no deformation at all. On a side to side comparison with the Hornady, Berger and Vapor Trail, the Hornady has a more pronounced rounded ogive further up front than the Berger and Vapor Trail which is more sleeker. Not sure if the Redding seater needs a special cup, because this never happened to me before. I think the Hornady bullets are soft as well. What would the reason be if you guys know? I may want to give Redding and Hornady a call come Monday.