Regretful, but necessary


Dec 9, 2008
I hereby announce my separation from the National Rifle Association and the affiliated Texas State Rifle Association.


We know what the NRA became while we slept. While there's noise about WLP having been removed from leadership, that is all it is. The NRA will NEVER become what it was supposed to be until the bylaws are amended. The way it is set up currently, and has been for a long while, is that the Board of Directors controls who is on the Nominating Committee, and the Nominating Committee dictates who can be on the ballot for Board of Directors. See how that works? They've sewn it up for themselves. It belongs to the Insiders and it exists for their own benefit.

For more background on that, look into some info on Neal Knox and the Cincinatti Revolt of years gone by. I was not a member when the Cincinatti Revolt took place, but my understanding is that as a result the membership wrested control of the association for a time. The circumstances surrounding the reversion back to business-as-usual are not familiar to me, but I know that the NRA in reality is a cushy place for a K Street professional lobbyist to land.

I have watched the WLP trainwreck over the years, just as so many of you likely have as well. Just because he "is out" does not mean all is well at NRA. "It's the bylaws, stupid." NRA has been very good at convincing us they were all that stood between the Second Amendment and the gun grabbers. There are some clever PR types involved, too. Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, and other groups have carried the load and done so quite well in recent years. NRA would have us believe that the Second Amendment will vanish if we don't continue to send that money in---and that may be true, but I send mine to GOA and SAF. My money is still supporting our cause, only better I am sure.

I have recently become involved in more local politics here in Texas and have experienced some eye-opening things. Most importantly, GET INVOLVED. But I digress. In my state's house district, we have an incumbent running for reelection. His problem is that he has aligned himself with RINOs who play cute little power sharing games with Dimocrats, much to our dismay. In recent weeks I have received campaign literature from NRA urging support for these very same RINOs.

If you find this hard to believe, think back...NRA supported Harry Reid, of all people. I protested this vociferously, but was told "we are a single issue organization." I say "BULLSHIT." Majorities matter...but that's beside the point. The point is, NRA and TSRA are actively supporting RINOs who I think 99% of us would oppose---and they're doing it with money that originated in our pockets. NRA and TSRA are swamp creatures and have lost my support. There is no going back.

My Life Member certificates are coming down off the wall to be returned to these organizations. I'm not inclined to want to support a bunch of lobbyists who use my own money against me, and that is EXACTLY what they're doing.

Play your own game your way. This is how I'm playing mine.
I hereby announce my separation from the National Rifle Association and the affiliated Texas State Rifle Association.


We know what the NRA became while we slept. While there's noise about WLP having been removed from leadership, that is all it is. The NRA will NEVER become what it was supposed to be until the bylaws are amended. The way it is set up currently, and has been for a long while, is that the Board of Directors controls who is on the Nominating Committee, and the Nominating Committee dictates who can be on the ballot for Board of Directors. See how that works? They've sewn it up for themselves. It belongs to the Insiders and it exists for their own benefit.

For more background on that, look into some info on Neal Knox and the Cincinatti Revolt of years gone by. I was not a member when the Cincinatti Revolt took place, but my understanding is that as a result the membership wrested control of the association for a time. The circumstances surrounding the reversion back to business-as-usual are not familiar to me, but I know that the NRA in reality is a cushy place for a K Street professional lobbyist to land.

I have watched the WLP trainwreck over the years, just as so many of you likely have as well. Just because he "is out" does not mean all is well at NRA. "It's the bylaws, stupid." NRA has been very good at convincing us they were all that stood between the Second Amendment and the gun grabbers. There are some clever PR types involved, too. Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, and other groups have carried the load and done so quite well in recent years. NRA would have us believe that the Second Amendment will vanish if we don't continue to send that money in---and that may be true, but I send mine to GOA and SAF. My money is still supporting our cause, only better I am sure.

I have recently become involved in more local politics here in Texas and have experienced some eye-opening things. Most importantly, GET INVOLVED. But I digress. In my state's house district, we have an incumbent running for reelection. His problem is that he has aligned himself with RINOs who play cute little power sharing games with Dimocrats, much to our dismay. In recent weeks I have received campaign literature from NRA urging support for these very same RINOs.

If you find this hard to believe, think back...NRA supported Harry Reid, of all people. I protested this vociferously, but was told "we are a single issue organization." I say "BULLSHIT." Majorities matter...but that's beside the point. The point is, NRA and TSRA are actively supporting RINOs who I think 99% of us would oppose---and they're doing it with money that originated in our pockets. NRA and TSRA are swamp creatures and have lost my support. There is no going back.

My Life Member certificates are coming down off the wall to be returned to these organizations. I'm not inclined to want to support a bunch of lobbyists who use my own money against me, and that is EXACTLY what they're doing.

Play your own game your way. This is how I'm playing mine.
Good for you.
I bought a five year membership previously and it is coming to an end.
I will now send my check to GOA for certain.
I’m a Benefactor Life Member.
I no longer have my membership credentials or get their magazine. I stopped donating to their political arm years ago.

They didn't do Jack in WA state when the last referendums changed our laws dramatically. They spent a few thousands while 4 or 5 billionaires were spending millions. They collected a lot more from WA NRA members during that time. We ended up with rights being a football for both political partys with MAGA all talk while the democrats were a tool of the oligarchy.