Reliable scopes for carbines?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
What scopes are you guys using for these?

I have Win model 94's and Marlins in 30-30 307 win 356 win and a bunch of others. My issue is I want scopes which are short and light in the 2x7 (more or less) range. Problem is I have not found any that adjust and track well. Older leupolds are ok but with the old friction adjustments are a PITA to adjust. Sometimes I waste a crap of ammo making adjustments then shooting one or two rounds for the reticle to settle down and then she settles down for a group.

Does anyone make a GOOD 2x7 (or there about)?
I have a newer Redfield 2x7 and an OOOOOLD weaver 1.5x4.5 that I like, but now that you mention it the Redfield may not be settling that fast. I need to adjust for a new load and will pay attention next time at the range.
The only 2x7 scope I have is a Leupold with the friction style adjustments. It's mounted on a Winchester M70 Featherweight 7x57 and so far has held steady regarding adustment. It has never varied once sighted in, knock on wood. I've since picked up a Minox 2.5x10X that may replace the 2x7X. Nothing wrong with the Leupold but due more to my age, I'm thinking of retiring the harder kicking rifles and just use the 7x57 for most of my hunting.
Paul B.
I just bought a 2x7 Hawke. Either feast or famine. We will see.
I’ve an old 2x7, probably bought it about 1975 or so. It has served from Alaska to Arizona on a variety of rifles; on 06; 300wm; 243; 250 savage; 8mm Remington; 338wm; 338 Jarrett; 375H&H. As my eyes got older and the ODFW and others began increasing the use of antler point restrictions I began going to the 3.5 x10s. That being said I took plenty of elk and deer to 400 yards with the 2x7. When all I needed to know was it was a buck or a bull it seemed perfectly adequate magnifcation and improved the balance of any rifle compared with larger scopes. Currently run 2.5x8 on my 257 roberts and 275 Rigby. Those were adequate to 350 or so. Wish Leupold still made it though 1.75x6 would be pretty good as well.
Fotis- I currently run 2 different 2-7x 33 Leuplods a VX1 and aVX II. The "II " has been on my 12 ga. slug gun for years. Says somthing about durability-to me any way. I sent both of them in to the Leupold Custom shop to have "clicks" installed, cause I was anoyed by the same problem. Back then it was @45 bucks I think. What I am able to find, the custom shop was closed back in 2022. Dont know if they've reopened.
The VX Freesom line lists a 2-7x33 still. Not sure about the "Freedom" line but that 2-7 range is the way to go IMHO. When I need another scope that is what I will be looking for....if I cant find a used VXII....but they dont come up often. There are lots of 1.5-4 options out there, I just like the looks of a 33mm objective on a rifle. Just aesthetics. A fixed 4x works for me too.

Let us know what you think of the Hawk. CL
Honestly.....I just no longer trust Leupold quality. I love their dimensions (my favorite thing) but lately they have slacked in my opinion, and with their VERY expensive line of scopes too.

This is an example of a $2K Leupold

I have always owned Leupold, I now own a couple that havent cost me anything but a little frustration and one gunbroker sale. I wish I had the money to buy something like a nightforce to see if it’s the load or the rifle. Terrible in my mind to think I need a control like that. Several years ago I was guiding upland hunts and we had a group of Leupold guys come over, two or three years in a row. A new CEO then and a plan to fight their way back to the top was the conversation. They got caught with their pants down on the explosion in popularity of long range shooting. Been playing catch up ever since. I haven’t seen any of them in a least 3 years now, I know one is over at NightForce and it seems Leupold is content with their position in the market. Business is business I guess but what’s wrong with working hard to be the very best?
Good reminder as to why I stopped going over to 24hrcampfire....hint

Not too many 2-7 scopes out there these days, the Burris FF II 2-7x35 was my favorite but sadly not made anymore. The FF IV 2.5-10 might work for you.
I have always owned Leupold, I now own a couple that havent cost me anything but a little frustration and one gunbroker sale. I wish I had the money to buy something like a nightforce to see if it’s the load or the rifle. Terrible in my mind to think I need a control like that. Several years ago I was guiding upland hunts and we had a group of Leupold guys come over, two or three years in a row. A new CEO then and a plan to fight their way back to the top was the conversation. They got caught with their pants down on the explosion in popularity of long range shooting. Been playing catch up ever since. I haven’t seen any of them in a least 3 years now, I know one is over at NightForce and it seems Leupold is content with their position in the market. Business is business I guess but what’s wrong with working hard to be the very best?
Night force SHV and the Trijicon Credo scopes are well thought of and are durable.
Oh yes. The guy is a mess for sure. Some very anti-social people there for sure. That said, he knows his optics and that $2k Leupy was bad!. And yes him and I went rounds and rounds before. LOL
He does know some stuff but man. That thread was at 251 pages of insanity when I looked this morning.

Too bad Leupold doesn't fix their issues, they would be perfect otherwise. Some work but lots have to go back unfortunately.
Night force SHV and the Trijicon Credo scopes are well thought of and are durable.
Yes sir. I have a bunch of each. Wish NF made a 1" tube compact in the SHV in lower power.
Sorry, can't help on the 2x7 front. Think I have a 4x on my Marlin; Bushnell? Need to check. I know it's an inexpensive scope, as I didn't think it needed to be much for a 44 mag.
What about a 1-6 power LPVO like a Vortex PST or Razor? The illuminated dot makes them like a red dot on 1 power. Dialable and repeatable. Except 30mm not 1 inch. I pulled the Razor off of an AR and put it on the 45-70 for a woods hunt a few years ago and liked it.
My two current Leupold 2-7s are the VX-R versions, so have the click adjustment. We will see how they perform over the longterm on my BLR in 358 Win and Marlin 375S.
Have used the VX-3 1.5-5s, 1.75-6s and 2.5-8s on lever actions over the years with great results...3 2.5-8s are on my Model 88s (250 Savage, 7mm-08 and 338 Federal).
Well I got the Hawk 2x7. Looks OK but suffers from super short body syndrome. Waiting on extension rings now. LOL