Reloading Data Organizer software ?????


Jan 6, 2012
Hello All,
I am new to this site and love it !!!.
I have reloaded in the past but it has been a few yrs since. I am looking for a single stage press and equipment to get my step son into it . I was also wondering if there is a software product for tracking all the data instead of the good 'ol way with paperback manuals????
Thank you
Welcome to the forum. You will find a great group of people posting here. There are several programs available. Truthfully, I don't know anyone who has used any of them. I personally use hard cover books to record my range data, and the information I want to maintain is transferred to an Excel spreadsheet. There is nothing exciting about the Excel data, but it does give me all pertinent information for my loads for quick recovery and review.
Thank you for the warm welcome, seeing I am not Excel savvy is there a link to any of the software or just gotta pry a spreadsheet form outta someone LOL.
Thank you
I have tried to use a number of methods to record information on loads, components etc. I had asked DrMike this same question recently and followed the suggestion he has made below. I went to the dollar store, bought a couple of books, - one per calibre - and started adding targets and load info etc. I have been at it most of this weekend. And it has been fun and most rewarding.
There is something qualitative and pleasing about recording the information in a notebook. It allows you to put pen to paper, doodle, paste in targets and a make notes. It also allows for pictures and diagrams to be taken and pasted in for review at a later time. It has brough some degree of organization to the process.
Yes I too record some of the info on my computer, but there are times when flipping though a book while sitting in front of a fire or on the porch with the sun warming your face that make the book and the memories it genders so much more rewarding.
I'm not sure exactly what features you're after, but I've developed a spreadsheet or two in my time. Even have some to track some of my handloading. Let me know what info you want in one, and I'll try to put something together that will do the job for you. My rates are very reasonable - something on the order of one "Thanks." Just let me know what you're looking for.
Thank you dubyam , I am just looking a a simple data base or something that will allow me to track the reloading stages for my step son and give him a little more insight into the reloading process and keep records of his shooting and mine of course. I did try to install rob's reloading organizer but it won't work with my Win 7 Ultimate for some reason there are either files missing or something and have downloaded it several times with the same results and the download from gunnuts site is kinda quirky lol. I would like to track the main load characteristics along with how the ammo performs after loading . If this makes sense to you then that would be great .
Once again Thank You
JCD, tell me the specific values you'd like to track. I'm thinking a workbook with a single page for each rifle you own. Then, on that page, you can list the specifics for the rifle (make, model, barrel length, scope make and model, info about the stock and bedding, etc.) and then a section for loads you're trying. This would be expandable to include additional loads, and also to keep a running tab on the load(s) you choose to work with long term for that rifle, including shot string info, like velocity for each round fired, computed mean, SD, ES, and group sizes. You'll have to learn how to manipulate it a little bit in terms of adding rows to the chart for loads you shoot a lot of, and making sure the calculations include those rows. It's not terribly difficult, and I can probably walk you through it easily enough. Let me know the specific values you'd like and I'll spin out a working document for you to look at and we can exchange email via PM to get that info passed back and forth.