Rem. 25-06 Sendero

264 WinMan

Mar 16, 2009
Hello All,
I picked up a used Sendero fron a little old man who traded it in on a 30-06. You know that kind of story. Well I threw an old 2x-7x accu-track scope on it and went to shoot it. using 110 gr. AB's factory loads. I shot it at 50 yards and dialed it in. When I put 10 rounds through it 8 were in a group the size of a quarter. I think I have something to work with and it is not way out of the box. My question is if you please. I am going to load up some win brass with cci 200 or the 250 but I want to use Retumbo powder. Under Nosler's ballistics room for the 110 AB's it shows 55.0 , 57.0 , 59.0 gr. of powder. Would it be safe to say I could start at 57.0 gr. and work up from there? Iwould load up in .5 grain increments. I have tried to read as many posts as possible as not to repeat questions. This will be my first adventure in the reloading world. Thanks for any advice you can give.
That is a good starting point, indeed. Please post your results please.....
Thanks POP for the reply. It will be a couple of weeks before it happens due to my work. Yes I will let you know if it wants to play or not.
Welcome to reloading! and the forum. :grin:
It's not just reloading, It's HANDLOADING!
Much more precision 8)
264 WinMan,

Absolutely welcome to the forum ! As POP stated, let us know how it goes and post your results....
The Senderos are awesome guns !
Forgive me. Did not notice you were new. Glad to have you aboard sir.
Welcome to the forum 264 WinMan.
I have not used any Retumbo powder in my 25-06 yet but I do have some that I am going to try in my new 28 3/4" Shilen barrel 264 Win. mag.
I have not used the 110AB bullet but I have found that with 100 & 115 Nosler ballistic tips that IMR or AA 4350 gives the best accuracy and there is not that much more velocity to be gained from slower burning powders like H-4831 & H-1000 in my Shilen 26" barrel. It could just be my rifle. My favorite deer load is 49 grs of either IMR or AA 4350 (I get the same velocity and accuracy from either powder) CCI 250 primer, Remington case and a 117 gr Sierra Pro Hunter 3000 fps average. This bullet is wicked on deer to over 500 yards, at least that is as far as I have ever shot a deer with it. 99.9% of the time it is BANG FLOP. Let us know how the Retumbo loads work out?

Not to hi-jack the post, but if you have any tried loads with Retumbo in a 264 Win mag I sure would be interested.
Hello to everyone,
I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU for the warm welcome. It is nice to be a part of a forum of first class gentlemen. Well I have a little bit of a problem. It seems that there is a massive run on powders and primers. I have the primers in either CCI 200 or the 250's. I also have H4831 and IMR4350 but, what I cannot get is the Retumbo. I have some feelers out trying to locate it. I might have to wait for the next gun show that is the first weekend of April. If I am not able to locate the Retumbo using the 4831 is it safe to say that I could start at 51gr. and work up from there in .5 gr. increments?

PS. Does the Nosler number 6 book have the loads for the 110 AB's?
264 WinMan":2xm3ngdv said:
Hello to everyone,
I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU for the warm welcome. It is nice to be a part of a forum of first class gentlemen. Well I have a little bit of a problem. It seems that there is a massive run on powders and primers. I have the primers in either CCI 200 or the 250's. I also have H4831 and IMR4350 but, what I cannot get is the Retumbo. I have some feelers out trying to locate it. I might have to wait for the next gun show that is the first weekend of April. If I am not able to locate the Retumbo using the 4831 is it safe to say that I could start at 51gr. and work up from there in .5 gr. increments?

PS. Does the Nosler number 6 book have the loads for the 110 AB's?

Yes, Nosler #6 has the 110AB loads in it. As for using H4831, Nosler lists 51gn as max, so I wouldn't start there. Try starting at 49gn and work up from there. Max for IMR4350 is listed as 49.5gn as shows a slight advantage in velocity over H4831.

Good luck.
4831 and 4350 are classic powders in the 25-06. I shot both of them for years. I now use only IMR7828ssc. My tang safey Ruger maxed out around 55.5gr, and I shoot it with 54.0gr. The Nosler book doesn't show it as the fastest powder velocity wise, but I can tell you that I gained a substantial increase in velocity and better accuracy and lower ES than 4350 or 4831. The SSC version did not differ from the straight version, but it was quite noticeable in the .243 and .280.

I understand that trying different powders is all part of the fun, but don't get caught up on Retumbo when so many powders work well in the 25-06.

There probably isn't a powder that is in the 4350 or slower burn rate that would not work in the 25-06. Winchester's new Supreme 780 is next on my list to try in the 25-06 and .243.
Welcome to the forum. There are some truly outstanding individuals hanging around . If you go to the opening page of the reloading forum under topics you will see "Nosler Published Load Data." On the bottom of that page click - http// Click .25 cal. On the next page in the left side menu find .25-06. Under that click 110 grains. Next page will give data for MagPro, Retumbo, and IMR 4350. Good luck

Jerry 919
Bend, oregon
264 WinMan

Welcome to the forum, glad you have joined us. The 700 Sendero is an awesome rifle, capable of exceptional accuracy. In 25-06, your Sendero should be a tack driver capable of killing deer much farther than you may realize.
The 110 gr AB is a great choice in your 25-06. There are several powders that you can use, including RL 25 and a few here that get excellent accuracy and velocity with RL 25. Other powders to consider are IMR 7828, IMR 4350, IMR/H 4831 SC, RL 19.

Keep us posted with your load development. If you need any help, let us know. There is a plethora of knowledge here ready to assist you.

264 WinMan":1jf56pgy said:
Hello to everyone,
I would like to start off by saying THANK YOU for the warm welcome. It is nice to be a part of a forum of first class gentlemen. Well I have a little bit of a problem. It seems that there is a massive run on powders and primers. I have the primers in either CCI 200 or the 250's. I also have H4831 and IMR4350 but, what I cannot get is the Retumbo. I have some feelers out trying to locate it. I might have to wait for the next gun show that is the first weekend of April. If I am not able to locate the Retumbo using the 4831 is it safe to say that I could start at 51gr. and work up from there in .5 gr. increments?

PS. Does the Nosler number 6 book have the loads for the 110 AB's?

Graf & Sons have Retumbo in stock.
Ok I have finally found some Retumbo to work with. Now here is another problem. I have more 250 primers than 200's. So if I were to work up a load of Retumbo starting at 57 gr. How much of a dfference would a 250 be over a 200. I have plenty of both but more of the 250's and since I am doing some R-n-D to find what she wants. I would like to use the 250's. What do you think ???????
I would use the 250's myself. Retumbo is a slow burner and I have found that the 250's work best for me in the 25-06 to light those case loads of powder and I use IMR 4350. As long as you are starting low and working up to a load you will be good. You will find your accuracy before you get too high on the pressure. I hope you are going to shoot over a chronograph to check your velocity. No need to burn all that power if you are not going to get any more velocity combined with good accuracy.
Welcome to the forums. I have been loading the 25 06 for a lot of years, and have found that IMR 4831 really shines in the accuracy department. I have changed to Reloader 22, and am loading it in both the 25 06 and the 270 Weatherby magnum. The velocity has dropped 150 fps in the 270 bee , changing from IMR 7828 to Re 22, but is staying right up there with the 25, with excellent accuracy. I have found that the 25's prefer to be loaded hot with whatever I am feeding it. I use WLRM primers in everything. I have found less velocity deviation as fired across a chrony with the Winchester magnum primers than the other primers. My next project is to build some loads with IMR 7828 for the 25 06 and see what I get. Good luck, and keep us posted.
Thank you for the reply. It sounds like I will try the CCI 250's then. Since this is my first time at handloading yes I will work up slow. In the previous posts I mentioned starting at 57 gr of Retumbo. I just might back that off .5 gr to 56.5 to start with the 250's working up .5 gr. per 5 rounds. Yes a chronograph will be in place. I need to have some idea of fps. But super fast is not what I am after. Tack driver --- yes. Thanks for the advice. I will put it to use asap. I will keep yall abreast of how it is working out.
Welcome to the forum and the wonderful addiction we like to call reloading.

Forgive me if this has been covered, but please do not start with the max loads of any published data. Start with the minimum loads as all rifle are different and you may find signs of pressure well below the published max data.

Also, I use (excuse me, I used to use the 110gr AccuBond exclusively in my .25-06 before California banned lead). I load using the 250 primers and RL-22 with great accuracy and velocity.

Please let us know how the process goes and good luck!!!
I've used quite a few powders for the 25-06, everything from H4895 with 75g bullets, to RL-22, IMR 7828, H1000, and Retumbo for 115-125's.

I just recently played with some Retumbo with some 100g NBT's from my rem 700, 24" shilen barreled 25-06 and was pleasantly rewarded with 3500fps and 2" groups at 400 yards!! I am using WLR primers. You can use a WLRM or any other mag primer, just start 1g lower and work your way up.

WIth 115g VLD and Retumbo, I am getting 3275fps and 1-2" groups at 400 yards. That was what intrigued me to try Retumbo with 100g pills.

I use to love RL-19, RL-22 or H4831 in my 25-06's, but this Retumbo is impressive! I am getting 150-200fps more velocity, without sacrificing one bit in accuracy.

WIth the 100's I am using 60.5g of Retumbo, with the 115's I am using 58.5g of Retumbo. I am using Winchester cases and WLR primers, bullets seated to touch the lands. These are upper end loads in my rifle, so definately back off a few grains.

I've used the 25-06 over the last 10 years to take quite a few of Oregons varmints and big game out to 600 yards with great results. Its a fantastic cartridge, accurate, flat shooting, mild recoil, and hits a lot harder then what the books say.
Hello all,
I finally got a day off today to unwind. I sat down this morning and loaded up some new Win. brass with 100g. BT's and 50g. of H 4831 to fire form the cases. It sure felt good to move forward on my project. I should be off next weekend to go to the range. I will let yall know how things work out with this load. This is a test since it is my first time to handload anything. I felt this would be a good load nothing special at this time. Take care all.
