Remington 700 Mountain Rifle DM


Oct 15, 2009
I was at my LGS the other day and ran across one of these in 25-06. It was a nice rifle and in a caliber I am looking for but it seemed to me the magazine fit wasn't the greatest and allowed it to rattle. A lot. Loudly. It seemed to me that if I could hear it that plainly then deer or other critters could likely hear it in the next county

I haven't dealt with this particular rifle before. I had a mountain rifle in .280 years ago but it had the floorplate.

Is this issue something of an anomaly or is it standard with this series of rifle? Any fixes for it?


The Mountain Rifle was a handsome firearm. The DM should not make any noise. I would imagine that any competent gun smith could remedy that fairly easily. Not knowing the precise malady, I wouldn't even dare suggest a fix. However, I do know that local smiths have made a number of older rifles pretty quiet for the bush. Consequently, great cartridge. I'd likely see if there was any room for movement when the looseness was pointed out. You might be able to pick up a real bargain in the process.
I like them Mountain Rifles and the 25-06, but know zero about the mag box problem. Good luck with what you can find out.
I had one of the older Rem 700 Mountain rifles in ,280 Rem but it did not have the box magazine. I could not get mine to shoot more than a two shot group without vertical stringing as it warmed the barrel. This was 20+ years ago and probably doesn't mean anything now?
Ridge, I hadn't thought of that. I'll check that out when I drop by again.

Mike, it has Leupold bases and rings on it, too, so that helps the value a little. I may ask about a deal if the magazine issue can be figured out or resolved.

I had intended to try to locate a deal on a Marlin XL 7 in 25-06 but for the right money I could be persuaded to change my mine.

I don't think I'd be too put off by that. I still think it is a minor issue that can be resolved easily enough. As I say, the Mountain Rifle is a fine rifle.
I would buy Model 700 bottom metal and magazine can for replacing the DM, that would likely fix that rifle?
Yeah might not look the greatest unless you swapped out the stock but definitely very useable. Don't they notch out the stock on each side of the magazine for easy removal?
I went by the shop yesterday and, following Ridgerunner's theory, put some rounds in the magazine to see if it made a difference. It did. There was virtually no rattle at all, as long as the ammo was against the bottom of the bolt. Once a round was removed to create some space, the noise was back, although lessened by the remaining ammo.

On looking closer, I think the noise issue is a product of the design. The magazine doesn't sit solidly in it's notches so it can move about slightly and create the rattle. When it's empty the noise is decidedly more. There were no indications a previous owner had modified the stock cutouts to cause the movement.

I guess I'm used to my Tikka's, Browning BLR, and Remington 7600's whose magazines are solid when locked in place.

I have a 260 with DM, they do rattle more when empty. You can buy new DM bottom metal as sometimes the notches wear where people do not compress the tabs completely when dropping the mags.

You can not replace Remington DM with ADL/BDL bottom metal, once DM always DM.

I love my 260 with DM.