Remmy 700 VSSF Freebore


Jan 19, 2008

Last yr I picked up a decent 22/250 for a song and am finally getting around to working loads. I got the point of taking bullet seating depth measurements and find that this barrel has massive amounts of freebore. To seat touching the lands, the bullet maybe sits in the case at most 0.07 - 0.08. So...

I took a quick search and found this has been discussed a bit, so I am asking those who have this same situation with their 22/250's, what is your OAL.... With 55 gr bullets...

I don't have a 22-250, but the RUMs are the same way. Start with what will fit and cycle through your magazine. Then you can play with seating depths to fine tune your load.
Remington is notorious for building in a LOT of freebore, not just with the .22-250 either. I've worked with a lot of Rem 700's in .308 Win, and I swear the freebore runs half way to China!

Well, maybe not that far - but touching the lands is pretty much out with anything that fits in the magazine. Amazingly, a guy can load to mag length, and these things will still shoot sub MOA with decent bullets.
Counter to what some seem to think, there is no magic in being close to the lands. WBY Mags have so much that the bullet is out of the case before hitting the lands. Very accurate loads can be developed without being close to the lands. I have never had a 308 that I could seat near the lands and still fit the mag box. I have been told that SAAMI specs place the lands at that distance so that any weight bullet in 308 will function without hitting the lands with factory ammo. If you want one different, you would have to buy a reamer cut to other than SAAMI specs.
Worry more about loading concentric ammo than how far you are away from the lands.Rick.
Correct to all the above....... I've put thousands of rounds down the tube of my 22-250 and it is very accurate.

I might throw this in just from hear-say? Not sure how much truth there is to this or not, but generally you want @ least the diameter of the bullet seated into the neck ? True ? False ?
Wow, this is a good discussion.. Kool on that!! 8)

Okay, I have four 77's and four 700's, consider I have 2 of them with custom tubes. This is a first for me and my rifles not being able to hit the lands w/out having enough neck to hold a bullet..

* Yes, I have been limited by magazine length and on several, not a factor.

*Yes, as stated previously, just because you able to touch the lands or seat deeper into, does not make this the magical mystery-G spot-most accurate seating depth... Several examples: My STW shoots best at max mag length and I know this is least .0200 off w/168 SMKs, but I need to seat my 140 BTs just kissing the lands.

Where does this bring me? Its a reference/datum point to start from and I tend to start at .010 off. The other ref/datum point would be the mag length, IF one uses the mag...

I guess I kinda hoping my post may show a trend and I could swag at it. But I'll go with listed max OAL and start from there..

And your thoughts or methods of madness??

I would second the notion to have at least one caliber length of the bullet in the case. This will help with a consistent exiting of the case, along with some concentricity. (Your maximum mag length might be too long to achieve this.) Start with one caliber lenght seating depth, find a powder and charge that shows some promise, adjust seating depth in .010" at a time, read the results from the groups to see what your rifle is telling you. Loading close to the lands in not necessary for accurate loads in factory rifles. Also, there may be pressure sings showing from loads close to the lands that may not show with loads of a shorter length.

With that said, a load that is .010" away from the lands initially might end up being into the lands after the barrel has some fouling built up. Make sure that you measure your distance to the lands when the barrel is in the condition that it will be fired.
I am at 2.5" OAL from my 22-250 w/50g vmax from my browning a bolt. They are right at the lands. They still fit and function through the clip just fine. I still have at least 1/2" of room from the tip of bullet to the end of the clip magazine.

Long ways out from the 2.350" SAAMI...
From my experiences there "can" be a big difference in accuracy based on OAL and distance to the lans. That's not the case in every rifle.. I've had bullets pattern (like a shotgun) when too short in some rifles and others didn't care. I always go for the longest length possible and then work back from there for accuracy. The neck length vs. caliber is a rule of thumb. The 300 Win mag has a short neck and is well known for it's accuracy potential.
I love reloading. It's always a challenge and when you get it right you can feel justly proud. :grin:
Good Shooting
Elkhunt :grin:
My Winchester Model 70 Laredo LRH has a 0.118 freebore and will shoot half minute all day long. Can someone explain that. As you can see in the picture; I list the max COAL to touch land at 3.480 and the magazine will allow only 3.362.

My PacNoR barreled 264 was built with a custom reamer that cut a neck 4 thou smaller than spec. It also set the leade angle alot closer than spec. SAAMI spec is 3.34 OAL for most bullets, I am into the lands with 140 SMK's @ 3.185-3.188 depending on the lot of bullets. Twist is 1-8.5 Poly and it gives pressure signs at the start load or a grain up, so I have to correlate any data I get to start loads 8-10% lower than book max (lawyer max) and work up.

I've got almost 2X bullet diameter in the neck and nearly into the body below the shoulder. This rifle gives exceptional accuracy and the ES is minimal. I wanted something that would shoot, Chris at Pacnor said this reamer would give me a chamber that shoots. He wasn't kidding, altho that says alot for a barrel maker and thier work over there, not my know how.

I doubt this helps clarify anything, but I was confused too, so yeah that is about it.

hey rod my 22-250 will soot the cases if i dont get at least one bullet diameter into the neck unless i use the Lee Factory crimp die which i do on all of my 22-250 loads it helps with alot of things. I started using it in the moly days