The total collected this year for St. Judes Childrens hospital from the youth turkey hunt (hunting for a cure) was $64,326.06! thank you all for your help
Nope No turkey for Tater this year on the juvy season. Next week the main season comes in and I'll try to call one for him. Yesterday morning there weren't any where we started out, so we moved to a different farm, we seen about 3 from a distance, but couldn't get them to cross the fence and move toward us. they were at about 200 yards. Then this morning, there were not where we first setup at, so we moved but stayed on the same farm. Beforlong we had about 5 Toms gobbling at us from different directions, and going in different directions. We had one group with 1 BIG tom and about 3 Jakes and 3 or 4 hins that was interested, but even with 2 guides calling in different manners and directions, we couldn't get that tom to move around a cane brake 40 yards away. Tater could see the tom, the guide could see it but no clear shot. If it would have only walked 2 more feet, or maybe even one, Tater could have made that 40 yard shot. but the Tom just paced back and fourth, and strutted along about a 30 foot patch of cane, and eventually moved off the other direction. we worked that bird from about 7:30 am to 10:30 am. He learned alot and we both got a good work out that I need anyway. Run and Gun for turkey in that part of Tennessee is not as easy as it is here in the flat lands where I live. I feel its still a little early in the season, about another 2 weeks should be better. We will try again next week though.!
I am now DAWG TIRED! Tater slept most of the way home. Yesterday was my birthday, and the best present I had was him waking me up to go hunting for the first time in his life.
Nope No turkey for Tater this year on the juvy season. Next week the main season comes in and I'll try to call one for him. Yesterday morning there weren't any where we started out, so we moved to a different farm, we seen about 3 from a distance, but couldn't get them to cross the fence and move toward us. they were at about 200 yards. Then this morning, there were not where we first setup at, so we moved but stayed on the same farm. Beforlong we had about 5 Toms gobbling at us from different directions, and going in different directions. We had one group with 1 BIG tom and about 3 Jakes and 3 or 4 hins that was interested, but even with 2 guides calling in different manners and directions, we couldn't get that tom to move around a cane brake 40 yards away. Tater could see the tom, the guide could see it but no clear shot. If it would have only walked 2 more feet, or maybe even one, Tater could have made that 40 yard shot. but the Tom just paced back and fourth, and strutted along about a 30 foot patch of cane, and eventually moved off the other direction. we worked that bird from about 7:30 am to 10:30 am. He learned alot and we both got a good work out that I need anyway. Run and Gun for turkey in that part of Tennessee is not as easy as it is here in the flat lands where I live. I feel its still a little early in the season, about another 2 weeks should be better. We will try again next week though.!
I am now DAWG TIRED! Tater slept most of the way home. Yesterday was my birthday, and the best present I had was him waking me up to go hunting for the first time in his life.