Rings and Mounts

Which QD Rings and Bases should I use

  • Warne

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Talley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leupold

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 24, 2006
I am looking at getting some rings and mounts shortly for my Browning BLR 358 pretty shortly. Since I would still like to use the iron sights, I would like to get something that is detachable without too much fuss. I have been looking at Warne QD Rings and their steel bases. Does anybody have any issues with these? They look like good rings and I would still be able to use my iron sights if needed.

I am still pondering a scope for the rifle. So if you all have any suggestions or feedback on those ring and bases, lemme know. I am kind of on a smaller budget, and usually just go with Leupold Rings and Bases, but I would like to be able to take the scope off and shoot it with irons, if I wanted to. Scotty
The only ones I've used much are from Warne. They work very well, returning the scope to zero, or very close to it time after time. I had these on a long-range target rifle. Sometimes I'd shoot a match that required sights, sometimes a scope was used. With the QD rings, I could pop that scope on and off with very little change to my 600 yard zero. Maybe a click or two off of perfectly centered.

I have checked out the Warnes and they look pretty solid. That is what I wanted to here about, as to how they returned to zero. It sounds like for a hunting rifle they would be about perfect. If you were only a click or two off at 600, I doubt you would notice too much at 300. Thanks for the info. Scotty
couldn't figure out how to vote in you poll,but thats ok cause i,m not what I would vote for.
I have a set of tally QD rings on my 45/70, and a set of Warne QDs not mounted but will soon be on the .358 I just bought, (and old 99 savage)
But I have used them both a lot, and the warnes are probably a little better for getting you back to zero, when you remount them. The Warnes are a bunch less expensive and lots easier to install in the 1st place and work just fine. Also the warne , QDs Mount on Weaver cross slot bases, and I think you need to buy tally basses to use tally rings.
It is my understanding that leupold has there QD rings built by warne , and I know both companies are located here just outside portland.
Also all three companies , have excelent customer service.
Make sure you get tall enough rings and a small enough objective lense , to clear the excelent rear sight on your Browning.
As far as scope choices there are to many to list. Can you mention a budget ? But if I buy a scope for mine, at the moment I am leaning twords a leupold VX2 2X7 at 299. And a burris FF2 in 2X7 for about 189 with the german #2 I belive.
great rifle and cartridge, please don't let some one convince you you need a 4.5X14 on it.
Nothing wrong with a good 4 power either.
PS ! I just thought of somthing. The Tally bases may be tall (thick)enough to block your rear sight. The weaver and I think the warne are slim enough you should not have that problem.
Yeah, nobody is going to convince me to get a 4.5x14. I was thinking exactly of the scopes you mentioned, Leupold 2x7 or 1x4, Burris 2x7, and a Leupold Fixed 4x. I am kinda liking the Burris, as it is about 169.00 and seems to be about the same as the VariXII. Do you think I would need rings taller than low's to clear the rear sight. I am pretty tall and my scopes are always mounted as far forward as possible. I would think they should clear the rear sight. I like low mounts, but could go with medium if I needed to. Scotty
I voted Leupold because thats the only QD I have experiance with. Easy on, easy off and zero point never moved.
I did not vote. I would have voted for Weaver. The top mount Weaver can be quickly removed with a coin.

http://www.weaver-mounts.com/rings_base ... hable.aspx

I've used Leupold, Burris, conetrol and Weaver over the years but used Warne for the first time on my .338RUM. Now I swear by them. Excellent bases and rings. Very solid.
I am a fan of Rugers Rings also, but since it is a Browning, I have to figure something else out. Scotty
Yeah, I am kind of leaning towards the Warnes, but will check out the Leupolds also. I want something strong and easily returned to zero. I am pretty sure most all you all mentioned will do the trick. Scotty

A Leupold VX III 2.5x8 with QD rings and mounts would be just about perfect for your Browning BLR 358. :wink:

I think I am going to put the 2.5x8 on my M70 338 Win Mag and put the 3.5x10 that is on it now, on my 7mm Rem Mag. Sorry if that sounds confusing. I just want a smaller scope that doesn't overload the gun. It doesn't really need much. Hard tellin, still a couple of week out from ordering. Scotty
The ones you named all work. Certainly, Warne, Talley and Leupold have good reputations. I can't imagine that you would go wrong with any of those three. I would imagine that the Burris work well also, though I have no experience with them.
Well, I just ordered some Warne Maxima Bases and QD Rings, along with a Burris 2x7 FFII. Some of you all have had pretty good luck with the Burris and I think it is worth a shot. It should be plenty of scope for my 358 and ias long as it holds a zero and is clear scope, it should work well. I should be home in less than a few days and hopefully can get some time on the press and get to start getting the 358 ready for action. Anyhow, thanks for all of the comment's. I am sure the rings and bases will work well, but if the scope isn't what I am looking for, I can always put it on my son's 243. Scotty

I pray for uneventful return and the opportunity to have time with your family and relaxing your mind at the reloading bench. We'll look forward to hearing about the results of your hand loading efforts.
Mike, should be home shortly and can start getting ready for the fall. I have some work to do. I need to get my son's 243 ready, my wife's 308, and then get started on my 358, 270WSM, 7mm Rem Mag and maybe my 300 Win Mag and 338 Win Mag. Plus, I have a 22-250 that has been pretty neglected through the last few years. Should be a good time at the bench. Can't wait to get the new Forster Coax a workout. Scotty
When you get a chance, give my your impression of the Forster Co-Ax press. I haven't sprung for one yet, but it is on my "want" list. I'm using a Redding T-7 right now. It is a fine press, and I don't know what I'd get with the Co-Ax that I don't already have. Nevertheless, I've got a hankering. I should order it quickly before prices go up. Here in Canada they are still selling equipment that was purchased last year when our dollar was very strong. The current exchange is over 30% again, so it will look like a bargain if I buy at last year's prices.
Mike, I will let you know about the press. I learned to reload on one about 20 years ago, so finally, after all this time, I got one. My wife bought it for me for fathers day. I use a plain jane RCBS Partner right now and it has worked great. I have had it for about 20 years also. I thought I was due for an upgrade and the Forster was so smooth and powerful back when I used it. My wife got it for 220.00USD from Midway for my birthday.

On another note, the scope I ordered is on back order, but oh well, I guess I will get it once it comes in. If not, I am sure I can exchange it for something else if the wait is too long. Scotty