Rings in cartridge shoulders


Sep 30, 2004
I was loading up some of the fired brass I got when trading for that long range 260 rig. When looking at the brass I noticed all the brass has the same rings in it. When I asked him about it he said he thought it was the dies. I'm going to take it out and shoot it tomorrow and will know for sure.

If it's a flaw in the chamber I'll have to get the barrel set back and rechambered. I'm just too anal to leave as is. It would drive me crazy.

Any of you guys seen this kind of markings from reloading dies.



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I'd bet the chamber is rough.

Had a similar ring on cases in my 260AI until I sent it back to the 'smith and he cleaned it up.
I'm guessing your right! Makes me worry though, how good can his chambering job be if he left a rough chamber

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Unless there was some other problem showing up, like inaccuracy or short case life... Those rings wouldn't bother me in the least. I've had other rifles produce them, all factory rifles with factory barrels & chambers, and aside from idly noting them, I took no action. Just used the heck out of those rifles until I was done with them.

But if it bugs ya, polish that chamber! (y)

I believe it's the chamber. I have several factory rifles that do that. Take a new factory round and shoot it. I'll bet those rings will be there.
Paul B.
Guy is correct; that particular condition is not unusual. I've witnessed such rings resulting from dies and from a rough chamber. It never noticeably degraded accuracy or case life in the cartridges showing this particular condition.
I saw the same thing from the Newton before JES cleaned up the chamber. I haven't noted it in my other rifles though. Seems like a quick follow up would cure it.
It is from the chamber in the rifle. It can be caused by a dull reamer or not using enough cutting oil which causes chatter in the reamer. Usually does not effect accuracy though, at lest in my experience.