Ruger Bisley Blackhawk .357


May 4, 2011
Has anyone seen a Ruger Bisley Blackhawk with a 6.5” barrel in .357 Magnum? I have hunted high and low seeing Blackhawks with 6.5” barrels but not the Bisley frame, and Bisleys with 4.5-5.5” barrels but not the 6.5” barrel. Would be a bonus if it had the extra 9mm cylinder to go with it.
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Has anyone seen a Ruger Bisley Blackhawk with a 6.5” barrel .357 Magnum? I have hunter high and low seeing Blackhawks with 6.5” barrels but not the Bisley frame, and Bisleys with 4.5-5.5” barrels but not the 6.5” barrel. Would be a bonus if it had the extra 9mm cylinder to go with it.
My LGS has several Bisleys but I haven’t paid too much attention. I will be in town tomorrow, I’ll check. I think most of his Ruger are used guns, he gets quite a few estate sales.
My LGS has several Bisleys but I haven’t paid too much attention. I will be in town tomorrow, I’ll check. I think most of his Ruger are used guns, he gets quite a few estate sales.
Thanks Salmonchaser. I actually found one on Gunbroker and purchased myself an early birthday present. Its the 7.5" blued Bisley Blackhawk and although it's not convertible, I think its going to fit the bill nicely.
Thank you, Guy! A Bisley Blackhawk has been on my gun bucket list for a long time now. I cannot wait to bring it home.
I have Bisleys on the Super blackhawk frame. A 7.5" 44 and a 5.5" .45 Colt. Just my take on the Ruger Bisley stye, but they handle heavy recoil a bit better than the Colt plow handle but lose some on the point ability. This means I can usually do a hip shot and be more likely to hit something with the Colt style handle than the Bisley. No matter, I like'em both.
Paul B.