Ruger LC9


May 26, 2012
Thinking about the LC9 as an edc for legal, but non permissive, environments.
Anybody run one?


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I have an LC9. Easy to carry and conceal but the trigger is terrible.
Get the LC9s with the striker bar, it has a much improved trigger.

How is it as a pocket gun?

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I compared the LC9 with the new Glock single stack 9mm.

Liked the feel of the Ruger in my hand better and it seemed to point better.

The Ruger is also a hair length shorter than the Glock. That makes a difference when carrying a gun in your pocket.

The Glock comes with two magazines. The triggers are about the same as the Ruger is the "Pro" model with no external safety.

The Ruger is more rounded. Think of a bar of soap with no sharp edges versus 90 degree angles. Also in favor of the Ruger is that it's a little less expensive.

I'll have to try to shoot both of these before making my final decision. I'm also going to look at Trijicon and Crimson Trace to see what accessories are available for each model.


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Don't overlook the S&W M&P Shield. The LC9 was in the running when I was looking for my wife. We shot both and the Shield won hands down. Felt recoil, trigger, controls, and sights, all better than the LC9. It is also more comfortable in the hand as well. The trigger on the one we got is great out of the box and it is extremely accurate. Zero reliability issues with 115 thru 147gr loads.
Is the Shield a single stack too?

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I would buy a Kahr pistol before any of the ones mentioned. I have both the P9 and P380, both are great carry guns with smooth triggers.
How are they as ankle and pocket guns?

Anything I carry will be carried in one of those two locations, most likely the pocket.


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I think you are looking a size too big then. Though the LC9, Shield, Glock, and the mentioned Kahr's are sub compacts they are all a little large for pocket use. You may need to be looking at the LCP, Bodyguard, P238 and mustang type pistols. Flat and small they fit nicely in the back pocket. I carry the shield in a IWB and my Kimber in an SOB.
You can carry those pistols in a cargo pocket... not a front pocket. You really can't beat a J frame for concealability. If you're talking about jeans or shorts, 380 pistol or a small frame revolver is the way to go.
wayno945":1mm9vuiu said:
You can carry those pistols in a cargo pocket... not a front pocket. You really can't beat a J frame for concealability. If you're talking about jeans or shorts, 380 pistol or a small frame revolver is the way to go.
Already got the J Frame on my ankle. :)
Looking for less bulge in the pocket.

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The LC9 is easy to conceal but I would not call it a pocket pistol.
For that, you need to go one size smaller, like the LCP.

I'm not a fan of .380.
I do need deep concealment though. I'll look into an ankle holster for the LC9 as the Airweight J Frame is in the pocket already. I was hoping to change that.

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The smallest of the 9mm single stacks i've seen is the Diamondback DB9. My brother has one and loves it and it is very accurate for a small auto and has a good trigger as well. It's really small for a 9mm so it's a little snappy on the shot due to it's size which is to be expected. He claims that he has put well over 400rds through his and it hasn't missed a beat so far. If I were in the market for a small 9mm I would look into the Diamondback but I already have a Khar CM9 and a Glock43. The Diamondback is smaller than both of mine. You may want to check them out.
Guybo":v4dil42u said:
The smallest of the 9mm single stacks i've seen is the Diamondback DB9. My brother has one and loves it and it is very accurate for a small auto and has a good trigger as well. It's really small for a 9mm so it's a little snappy on the shot due to it's size which is to be expected. He claims that he has put well over 400rds through his and it hasn't missed a beat so far. If I were in the market for a small 9mm I would look into the Diamondback but I already have a Khar CM9 and a Glock43. The Diamondback is smaller than both of mine. You may want to check them out.
Thanks Guybo, I will.
I used to have a PM9 but traded it away. Oh well, live and learn.

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Leaning more and more towards the LC9 Pro.
No external safety to mess with and not too bad of a trigger for a striker fired handgun.

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Well it's a done deal.
Got the LC9s Pro. No external safety. Striker fired. Smaller than my Glock 26 and less bulky in the pocket than my J Frame.

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How does it shoot? What is your carry load?

JD338":v8quw1eb said:
How does it shoot? What is your carry load?

Haven't broken it in yet mate.
I'll do that after my moose hunt. I'll be carrying a 115 grain +P+ JHP.

My break in consist of 500 rounds of ball and then 200 rounds of my carry ammo.

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