SampleList has Minox's on sale

tddeangelo":1aeb7esz said:
Scotty, I thought about a 2-10, but I couldn't convince myself it was worth $50, lol. To me, anyway...others will value that more or less than I do. :)

Tom, I actually favor scopes that are 2-10x40/42. I have (3) scopes in the 10X max range and have been using them or similar since about 1980. I also have (2) 4.5/5 to 14.5/15 by 40/42mm scopes but I seldom use them above 10X because of parallax and/or distracting mirage. The 10x setting really does see better at 100 yards for target bullet holes and I can discriminate antler points in the Rocky Mountain oak brush at 300 yards with 10X. Just my opinion of course. This is especially useful in western states where you must have the correct number of points on a given antler to shoot that animal. Like Washington has a spike and/or only one fork horn regulation on general elk season.

I also have several 3-9x42 scopes but they are all on shorter range rifles, like the .338 Federal and my .22 WMR, etc.
We have point restrictions here, as well. Finding a brow time on a whitetail is often quite challenging.

I may well feel differently as I near my 40's, but the 2x end of the 2-10 does more for me than the 10x end.

I do appreciate the 12x top end of my Swaro.
Yeah, my favorite scope for a long time was the 3.5x10 Leupold, with the Minox, I get just a bit more and clearer optics. I am glad to see the price hasn't shot through the roof on them and they can still be had for a great price.
Tom when you pick up that scope you should wear a bandanna those prices you can get down there are criminal :mrgreen:
Those kind of deals do not come along very often, I am glad you were able to jump on it.

Thanks, Dan. If you look elsewhere on this section of the forum, Scotty's wife made a good buy, too!

(And the scope is being delivered tomorrow, didn't even have to leave home! :) )