Saskathchewan Big Game Draw

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Well on Saturday I applied for three draws here at home. I am in Super A for Muley, A draw for bull Moose and this year for the first time in at least 5 or 6 years they have allowed a Speed Goat season in just 2 combination zone. So we applied for Antelope as well (y).
If we get drawn for Moose it is in the south east corner of the province so it will be on farm land and that is a slam dunk. Two years ago my son and grandson got drawn we got there 4 days after the season opened, it was a Friday around 4:00pm when arrived at my nephew's farm. At 5:00pm we were hunting and at 5:30pm we had a dry cow down :). The next morning 5 minutes after sunrise we had a 2 year old cow anchored :wink:. So if I get one up with the boys in British Columbia and then one at the farm, I will be able to feed my whole family for the year. This past winter I believe we only bought beef a 3 or 4 times and that was for company that won't eat wild game.

Good luck Dan.
You best get busy loading up the 280AI and 35 Whelen.
Its going to be a busy fall!

Dan, I'm afraid the company would have went hungry or ate cheese sandwiches. :lol:
We use to have lunch at the range when we would have large Bullseye pistol matches.
I would bring a small charcoal grill and frozen deer burgers that would thaw and I would fix them on the grill for everyone who attended. One of the fellows brought his wife and being a gentleman I offered her a burger which she gladly accepted, her husband told me to tell her what she was eating after she had had a couple of bites and was really enjoying the sandwich. She had never ate venison and was a Bamby lover all she could say was really and kept eating and asked for a second one. :lol: She really loved Bamby burgers. :mrgreen:

PS good luck on the draw and your hunt with the guys.
Good luck Dan, would love to see you draw some tags. Any would be great but those Moose and Antelope hunts sound very appealing.
Good luck with the moose draw, did you put in around Redvers?My son, cousin and uncle and I put in for moose in the 2 zones close to home here . I'm hoping to draw as my uncle is 80 and not sure how many more seasons he has ahead of him. I also hope he pulls a elk tag close to here as he has never taken one. I put in zone 99 for elk due to limited amount of time . I put in for mule deer but no chance of getting drawn out of A pool . Can't stop dreaming of sheep , 89 days till showtime.
STW yes I put in for zone 32 & 16. I am sure happy to hear you are going on the sheep hunt, remember but us flatlanders need a lot of photographs and a few good adventure stories as well (y).
I was sure surprised that they are opening up a limited amount of Antelope tags :mrgreen:.

Yes its suprising they opened a season but I think they could have also opened up a limited number of tags in zone 2 and 3 as well. I just 99d the antelope draw will see what happens next year. What zone are you hoping to get mule deer in?
Dan, I hope you draw all three, plus Elk in BC Deer, Moose, Antelope and Elk all in one year. you might need a larger freezer

STW I hope both you and your uncle draws a Moose tag. Sheep hunting is a fun hunt, best of luck on that hunt as well.

May your hunts be many and your freezer full.


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Hi Sask Boy, any luck with our draw? I did not draw a tag and my son did not draw either.
STW that is too bad. Hopefully you can get out for a couple regular season hunts :wink: Moose or Elk!

Good luck! I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to.draw a CO moose tag. For me speedgoat and mulie are.pretty.easy to.get.
well all I got down for is Mule Does!!! hope you did better!!!

Said to hell with Saskatchewan and bought Antelope tags in Wyoming!!! Going regardless what Saskatchewan has for draws!!
I did not get drawn for anything that I put in for :wink:.
Apapro was wondering where a abouts you reside here in Saskatchewan?

Our draw system is in serious need of an overhaul. What we really have is just a straight up luck of the draw it does not matter how many years you have been in the Super A pool everyone has the same odds. No need to re invent the wheel as there are other systems in place throughout North America we just have to convince the folks who are in charge of the draw. I bet very few of them hunt. I have been fed up with this years ago and have been building points in other states and provinces for elk and bighorn sheep.