savage 12 F/TR

For what you want it, absolutely!

Let me know when you order is in.
I talked to her today and I just need to get in touch with somebody with an FFL licence and have them get in touch. I think Im gonna try an go threw Cabelas down in Austin because Im selling my old 308 to them and I wont have to pay taxes on the money they give me. Or Im gonna go threw my friends gunsmith up here in Odessa, it might be cheaper to go threw him, whichever one is a better deal is what im gonna do. Im hoping to have it ordered early next week. It just sucks because basically I want a long range precision varminter but in 308 and right hand port, but to get that I gotta pay the special order charge.
Savage does not have a real custom shop. They simply build a rifle to your "specs" from parts that are on the shelves. Sometimes they will still have some out of production parts still laying around that you can also choose from. Their .30 calibers are 1-10 twist.

If you want a really accurate .308 (or any other chambering), why not just rebarrel one of the rifles you already have? You can get a pre-threaded/pre-chambered barrel in any style you want from Shilen. All you will need then is a barrel nut wrench, action wrench, and a headspace gauge (a sized and trimmed case works too). You can also get an decent aftermarket stock and epoxy bed it and be under your $1000 limit.
So I have come up with a solution, I just got back from talking to my friends gunsmith up here and we decided to use my current savage action, he is gonna do some light machine work on it and put a shilen select match barrel in light varmint conture on for around $540. It should shoot awesome and hopefully going this way will leave me enough money for a better stock.