Scope for a 375 or 416

The Zeiss 1.5-6x42 is an older design of Diavari. The one for $749. is a good buy as that scope was $2000. new. I have a similar one (5-15x42) which I have had on my 7mm Mag for about 13 years now. It has never blinked. This series Zeiss is the one made by "The Master Race" in zee Black Forest and is perfekt!

That is if you want to spend that much and want that magnification. I just bought a Leupold 1.5-5x20 and thought really hard about this scope at $350 more. Just a thought.
Well, I wound up with a M77 Hawkeye in 375 Ruger. Although I'm wiped out until I sell another toy or two, I'm liking the idea of the #4 reticle in a 2-10 Minox. Beyond that I'll be looking towards the $299 Conquest from Cabelas.
One thing about the Conquest's, they normally are pretty strong. At least the one I had was on the .340 Weatherby.
Oldtrader3":32h5yhoc said:
One thing about the Conquest's, they normally are pretty strong. At least the one I had was on the .340 Weatherby.
I keep going back and forth on the ideas Charlie. I love that #4 reticle, but Zeiss seems to have but one reticle option on the Conquest. Minox does have a great warranty and service, as rumor has it, but I don't really want to have to use it. I guess the obvious answer is to buy both and see which one I like more on top of the rifle. ...and of course that would mean a scope would be homeless... and that just can't be... so obviously another rifle would be the answer!
I guess the obvious answer is to buy both and see which one I like more on top of the rifle. ...and of course that would mean a scope would be homeless... and that just can't be... so obviously another rifle would be the answer!

It has happened to all of us at one time or another. A homeless scope attracts rifles so their won't feel alone. :grin:
I have finally reached the point in my life where I can live with a homeless scopes. Presently, my 2-10x40 Minox BDC is homeless, along with a few cheaper scopes. I will sell a few of the cheaper scopes on Ebay and may put the Minox on my .22 WMR and move the 2-7x28 Leupold VXII which is on it to my Model 63, .22LR.

I still have another 10 year old Leupold VXII, 3-9x40 which was just refurbished and a Redfield Illuminator 3-9x42 from the 1980's, plus a couple Vortex Chinese scopes to get rid of.
Charlie, shoot me a PM or email when you're ready to list those scopes and what you're looking to get out of them. Some of my friends and I always seem to be on the lookout for one thing or another.
Robert, I will shoot you a line when I figure out what I am going to do with these scopes. I will probably sell most of them pretty cheap, epecially the two Vortex Diamondbacks (a 6x40 and 2-7x40).
Fotis, the 2-8x36 Leupold VX-3 would be a fine choice for that rifle. I juts bought a VX-3 and like them much better then the VXIII which was a good scope in it's day (1991).
I have the same scope as gerry ( leu 2-7 x33 )on my REM M700 XCR 11 375 H&H - its has stood up and stayed lined up also ! But i am going to replace it witha 2.5 -8 x 36 leupold soon ! A little more power and bit more light ! :grin:

Cheers RJ
As mentioned earlier on in the thread, I wound up with a Ruger m77 Hawkeye African in 375Ruger. After mulling over scopes a bit, I went with the Minox 2-10x40 #4. CLNY shipped me the scope, but wound up shipping me a 50mm instead of a 40mm... not that I'd mind, but I already had the rings and the 50 simply wouldn't work.

Alright, Fedex showed up a little while ago so I finally have the 375 scoped! As stated before, its the Minox ZA5 2-10x40 with the German #4 reticle sitting in a set of Warne quick release rings. Once mounted, however, I noticed a "problem".... at powers of about 6 and lower, the front right post is visible in the sight picture. Aside from the distraction, it is safe to presume this will not cause a problem?
All my Model 94s are scoped. At lower power, the front post shows quite clearly. It has never bothered me and has never caused me to lose game. You'll be fine.
My Ruger does the same thing when the scope is on low power. I can't see why it would be a problem you will likely never notice when an animal is at close range.
Yup, my 338 sights are visible when I had the 2-10 on it. You'll be good. Set up looks great!
I appreciate the input. I guess I'll shoot it and not worry about it. Oddly, this is the first rifle that I've had this happen on. On a related note, about two years ago I had finished building my first AR and knew next to nothing about those silly Barbie dolls for men. Not knowing any better, I had ordered an upper with a flat top and standard front sight post/gas block. I realized after it arrived that I may have messed up. I was planning to mount a scope. I bought some rings and tossed a scope on and just stared at it. That front sight post was right in front of that scope. I took a look a through the scope and was amazed that I couldn't see any hint of the front sight at all. I was hoping I'd have a similar thing happen on the 375, but no such luck.
Robert, my 3.5-10x44 Conquet #4 reticle is the same way, as is my Leupold VX3 1.5-5x20 also with the #4 reticle. I don't notice it too much though.

My 2-10x40 Minox is on my .22 Mag rifle which needed a wider range scope. I am happy with this arrangement. I did my annual scope shift on three scopes today, as the 3.5-10x44 Conquest changed the balance metric on my optics. Now I am happy for another years or until another scope finds my house, whichever comes first!