Scouting Trip


May 26, 2012
Making a scouting trip to coues country this morning.
6 days and a wake up for coues season. Got my lion tag in my pocket for this scouting trip. I'll be hiking in and glassing for deer but will also try to call in lions, foxes, bobcats, and coyotes.


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Here's pulling for you, Vince. Trust the lay of the land is inviting to the hunter.
Glassed up a nice buck.
Nice means a BIG wallhanger. Two of us were drooling uncontrollably. Also spotted the second biggest javalina I've ever seen and the only one I've ever seen in this unit.
Sad to say, not a lot of doe fawn pairs. That doesn't bode well for the next couple of years. This is the most water I've ever seen in the unit in the past four years and tallest grass.


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Thank you Dr Mike.
I'm in hopes that this year is fruitful for all in camp this year.

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DrMike":2zogv3f3 said:
Handsome country. Looks very peaceful.
Looks can be very deceiving.
This country is overrun with drug smugglers, automatic weapon fire, and other nefarious activities. I have the local air branch on speed dial.


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Go get em Vince, good luck and give us the good report when you get home.

Will do Don.
I'm looking forward to this one!

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How about Sheriff JOE :) I hope he is not in charge of lunch! Not expecting any paper sack lunches I hope, so I take it you would be south of I10 :( good luck scouting !
1/4 mile, at most, from Mexico.
Sheriff Joe is too far north to be of any use.

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Good luck Vince. Sounds like hunting in Grizzly country but with the Grizzlies shooting instead of biting. :lol:
truck driver":3q31j7av said:
Good luck Vince. Sounds like hunting in Grizzly country but with the Grizzlies shooting instead of biting. :lol:
A very apt description. [emoji4]

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I would have to have a class III on me in that area! Lotta look out points to be concerned but I guess a few tracer rounds could get ya close quickly! I hear south of the 10 is just not safe? I get nervous between ABQ and Las Cruces :) couple VFW Officers from Benson, AZ were coming up the 25 and ran into Border Control check point and acted really stupid as they were showing Military Id's and acted like they were not going to stop and were cleared to proceed after some leave me alone mumbling to the check point workers! As they were starting to drive away the guards screamed "we got a runner" shortly after that they were spread eagle on concrete as this was not far from FT Bliss on the 25 north! I got a little chuckle outta that story! they drank a Lotta beer after getting to ABQ and were still shaken a tad !
It ain't all that bad.
At the checkpoints I refuse to make conversation. I just answer the pertinent and legal questions asked.
I don't need no class III down there. In fact, the more I look like a hunter and less like a LEO type the safer I am. I go so far as to carry a resolver, open carry, as no LEO carries one these days and the dopers don't either.

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I might need to loose my LEO belly :) I might be the first thing shot!! I do have a revolver they want no part of!

Inspector 2211 SFPD :lol: I also carry the required 3 speed loaders with an extra for S&G :shock:
I'm packing a little, lightly customized Ruger SP 101. I'll open up a new thread and post a pic.

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Couldn't get the pic to post in this thread. :(
I posted a picture in the handgun section titled, "Ruger".

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Leaving tomorrow morning and hunting starts on Friday.
I'll finish packing tonight and tying up loose ends.


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