Set the Gong at 800 yds today.


Jan 14, 2008
I tried the 210 VLD last week but the 200AB shot just a little better. I loaded up a batch of 200 ABs and they shot 3125 out of my Sendero - 300RUM. I used Ballistic for iTouch/iPhone. 14MOA up and with a guess on the wind speed 1.75MOA. First shot hit high and to the left (not enough corr). When I looked at the dial I actually went 15 up - DUH! I set it to 14 and added another .5moa to the wind and hit just high of the center of the gong. Shot again with the wind playing tricks on us, but still hit the plate.
My buddy shots a Sendero in a 7STW. He still had some 140BTs for Coyote hunting and again using the iTouch Ballistic software he hit the gong on his first shot.
This is our first time attempting any thing at this distance. With out the software there was no way we were going to be on target in 1 - 2 shots like that. It uses the JBM ballistic engine, which I understand is what most packages are compared against.