Shooters pro shop.


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
225gr 338 partitions over runs at the shooters pro shop. 9.90 a box!

And tons more!
Yep got some and 338 200 BT 6.5 130 AB and some more 7 175 PT. That is one heck of a deal on those 225 PT's.
75 bucks in my cart so far.....
FOTIS":31m0taye said:
75 bucks in my cart so far.....

A mere pittance. Be sure to pick up some more 35 calibre bullets for a .358. :mrgreen:
The 338 225 gr PT is an excellent bullet. The $9.90 price is for 25 coount boxes.

Yesterday I bought :

4 x .308 168gr BT
1 x .308 180gr BT
1 x 7mm 140gr PT
1 x .308 180gr PT
2 x 7mm 175gr PT
2 x .277 130gr PT

Now I see .257 115gr PTs on the site today. Arrgggh! Wish I could amend my order...
Wincheringen":27fc0olb said:
Call them up first thing Monday. I have amended an order in the past.

As have I!
4-6.5 130 AB
2-7 175 PT
2-338 200 BT
4-338 225 PT

It's a good thing they didn't have 210's and some others.
Wow I sure would like to get in on some of those types of deals up here North of the border. Reading what you pay makes me cry when a box of just about any 30cal Nosler is more than $50. :cry:
I can not believe I missed the 6.5 - 130 gr AB

That is like getting coal in the stocking.
I buy anymore .257, 100 gr Partitions, I am going to have no place to put them! I already have a drawer full of 110 Accubonds.
Man, that place is evil. I stocked up on alot of bullets over the Summer, but I would like to get some 225 PT's and AB's... Or more 250's. Got a good bunch of 358 caliber bullets though!