Single Six .22 LR/.22 WMR


May 4, 2011
So I have a great shooting SS Single Six with the interchangeable cylinders. With the .22 LR cylinder and match grade ammo, I can stack them. It doesn't shoot nearly as good with the .22 WMR cylinder but still acceptably well. My question is, to those of you who have these, have any of you found a ammunition combination between the two very different cartridges that doesn't require a sight change every time you swap the cylinders?
A friend of mine had one. It was a fun little gun to shoot.

I don't shoot many magnums in mine because the blast is just too sharp, hurts my ears and makes them ring. The idea was I'd carry mine loaded with mags when down in the hog woods but I've abandoned that idea.
Best I can remember mine shoots them both close enough to be effective.
I loved my mine, lost it about 20 years ago up towards Seneca someplace. Popped out of my holster riding an atv. Keep an eye out when you’re up that way
That must be the Bermuda triangle for losing handguns. Last summer a friend lost his .357 Blackhawk up around Seneca while riding his ATV. He also told me to watch out for it. He found it a couple days later after back tracking.

Another friend lost an S&W .380 out of his bino harness while bowhunting up near Black Canyon. I advised him to take a metal detector when he went back. He found it a few inches into a loose alkali bank with the metal detector. He said he never would’ve found it otherwise.

The local farrier found an old .50-70 trapdoor up in Murderers Creek with his metal detector. Would love to hear that old gun tell it’s story.

I could go on and on…
Think the single six with the 2 cylinders was the first handgun i bought, was used and i still have it. Haven't shot shot it in years. And cant remember the last time i put the mag cylinder in it. It might have to go on the next range trip.