soil blocking


Feb 13, 2016
I plant vegs and herbs twice a year, in the early spring and early fall, right at the end of winter or summer. I also plant some marigolds and zinnas to deter caterpillars and pests to mate with my plants. Been using plastic 3 -4 inch square pots for about 20 years, some seeds would not sprout at all. I learned about soil blocking from You Tube. I purchased 3/4 inch and 2 inch blocking tools and sifted some organic potting soil and added some vermiculite, perlite and some earthworm castings. Soiled blocked last night around 10 pm, just after I got the tools from Amazon. Did this for the first time and they came out great. Planted mostly brassicas and herbs. I already have 6 tomato plants growing,,,,,two Beefsteaks, two San Marzano, and two Passiano growing in 4 inch pots when I planted them 3 weeks ago, a few more weeks and they will be transplanted in the raised beds that I already prepped.

Do any of you guys soil block? Any good experiences if you did. You tube explains the benefits of soil blocking, its a great video.

Good info Mark. My wife collects wild flower seeds in the fall and plants them in plastic milk jugs. She cuts off the top, adds potting soil and seeds then tapes on the lids. They go outside for the winter and she plants the sprouts in the spring.
Soil blocking would be a better option.

I do better, daughter is a farmer, has a farm to table operation taking care of most of the restaurants from here to Baker and around the other way to Enterprise. Has a couple acres worth of green houses and a couple acres of seasonal ground. Brings me a basket every couple mornings. I fix fence and run the tractor when she needs help. I’m a lucky man.
I do admire you folks who grow things. I sure can’t.