Sound Of Freedom


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007

Saw it on Friday night and it was very powerful. It makes you very uncomfortable and unsettled which is good, spent a lot of time in tears while watching. Unlike the "woke" who virtue signal lets get behind this and make some real change and conquer this evil. All this is being exposed so we can rise up and say this ends now. Not surprisingly the media is doing their best to discredit this and Hollywood tried for 5 years to stop this movie from coming out (Hmm, wonder why?) That's right it was finished 5 years ago and they did their best to block it.
Heard nothing but positive concerning this show from those whom I respect. Heard nothing but negative from Hollywood and those who expose themselves as woke. I'm looking forward to time to watch it.
I'm far from a movie guy but everyone needs to watch this and then figure out what each of us can do. You won't regret it, it's not designed to entertain but to challenge people into action. I don't have the training for rescue missions (some here probably do) but we could offer help for those coming out of this and getting healing from it.
It will show one night at our local theatre next week. My lady and I have booked the time to see it.
It will show one night at our local theatre next week. My lady and I have booked the time to see it.
Somehow there was enough people lobbying for it here that it will be showing from last Friday until Tuesday. I have seen a lot of reports of theaters not wanting to show it at all or having convenient air conditioner issues to close the theater down and not show it.
Please give us your thoughts after you see it.
My wife and I were following this for quite a while now in interviews and discussions that were off the mainstream news cycle. Before we were even completely aware of the scope of what it was about it initially caught our attention because the lead actor is the same man in Passion of the Christ. It gives me satisfaction that it did not get buried as was attempted but instead is front and center.

It's not something I'm looking forward to seeing as I'm sure it will be both difficult and uncomfortable but we will be watching it.
It's not something I'm looking forward to seeing as I'm sure it will be both difficult and uncomfortable but we will be watching it.
Ya, for three years I investigated child abuse, mostly sexual abuse, cases. Didn't like the duty, but got good at it. It's an ugly world, and it's everywhere. I was asked to return to that duty later in my career... I just didn't have it in me to enter that world again, even as the good guy. It takes pretty special people to hang in there, investigating all that sort of evil for a long time. I know a few cops who have been doing it for decades. God bless 'em.

Ya, for three years I investigated child abuse, mostly sexual abuse, cases. Didn't like the duty, but got good at it. It's an ugly world, and it's everywhere. I was asked to return to that duty later in my career... I just didn't have it in me to enter that world again, even as the good guy. It takes pretty special people to hang in there, investigating all that sort of evil for a long time. I know a few cops who have been doing it for decades. God bless 'em.

God bless you as well, Guy.

I've heard nothing but absolute positivity towards the movie. If I have time I'll go watch it.
I remember you saying that Guy and thank you for all that you did for these kids. I imagine it would be super hard for anyone who is a good man at heart. Blessings Guy and thank you again for all you did.
King County Jail had a policy that required you not publicly divulge during booking you were booking a child molester. The other inmates would beat them to a pulp. You were to simply point at the requisite line on the intake form. King county jail (downtown Seattle) was a very busy place. Invariably you would meet someone you knew in the sally port. “What you got” “ A. H. Rape of a child” That information would fly thru the jail. The minute they left the intake counter, if they didn’t go to a solitary cell, all you would hear were screams after the jailer closed the door. Some sort of Bad Guy Code I guess. Ok to be a murderer or burglar but a child molester was the lowest form of low.
My son and I just returned from the theater. Wow... Packed theater. So quiet in there, everyone was wrapped up in the movie and wanted to hear every word. Not sure I've ever been in a theater that was so quiet. One of the folks working there said that it had been packed every showing.

The movie was better than I expected. Very well done. Gritty, gripping, heart wrenching. My eyes got a little watery a time or two. There's a few funny moments in the movie, thankfully. The message at the end is well worth waiting for.

Ya, for three years I investigated child abuse, mostly sexual abuse, cases. Didn't like the duty, but got good at it. It's an ugly world, and it's everywhere. I was asked to return to that duty later in my career... I just didn't have it in me to enter that world again, even as the good guy. It takes pretty special people to hang in there, investigating all that sort of evil for a long time. I know a few cops who have been doing it for decades. God bless 'em.


So much I'd like to say, and in private I would. You're a better man than I am Guy, and so is everyone else that can deal with it. There is a line of where I can still maintain a sense of human dignity in the face of evil and depravity. Children are WAY past that line for me. Way past.
Over forty million people are enslaved in this day early in the twenty-first century. Over half of them are in sexual slavery. And many of those enslaved are children. Were the western nations not primary underwriters of this evil, the slavery would be eliminated very quickly. The plague of pornography is a major underwriter of child sexual slavery. Of those crossing the US border illegally each day, a massive percentage of children who will be sold into slavery in the United States. The government is a primary means by which this evil is perpetuated. Those who fight this plague are to be commended and supported.
I am very pleased to see this on here, even though it is "off topic". I've seen it, and I will not discuss it, other than to say it hits close to home, and is something you should watch.

Also, my understanding is that there will be a second movie covering other events, and I will see it as well.

If you would like to know more about the individual and story represented, please go here:
I wonder how the people who are sabotaging this film can even sleep at night? What is more important than protecting children at all cost?

King County Jail had a policy that required you not publicly divulge during booking you were booking a child molester. The other inmates would beat them to a pulp. You were to simply point at the requisite line on the intake form. King county jail (downtown Seattle) was a very busy place. Invariably you would meet someone you knew in the sally port. “What you got” “ A. H. Rape of a child” That information would fly thru the jail. The minute they left the intake counter, if they didn’t go to a solitary cell, all you would hear were screams after the jailer closed the door. Some sort of Bad Guy Code I guess. Ok to be a murderer or burglar but a child molester was the lowest form of low.
Having spent ten years behind the walls I can tell you from experience that child molesters are the lowest of the low as far as convicts go.

Being a survivor of sexual child abuse myself I can tell you that it F**ks you up mentally and emotionally. When I worked with sex offenders, the whole time they were talking, all I could think about was putting my pen in their eye and driving it in to the brain.

Having to treat them like human beings, they’re not, got to be too much for me. Imagine finding your abuser in your housing unit when you’re doing count. He’s doing life so he’s not getting out. For years my biggest regret was not opening his cell door and beating him to death with my Maglight.

I’ve since had lots of counseling. Made me almost appearing normal but if given the chance I’d kill the Mother F****er if the opportunity presented itself again.

I’ve seen sex offenders after they’ve been beaten. Heard their excuses that it’s not their fault they do what they do. Had to treat them medically. I’d much rather deal with a straight up drug dealer, robber, or murderer. Some of them I’d probably sit down and have a beer with.


Edit To Add: I won’t be seeing this movie until I can view it in the privacy of my own home because I don’t know what my response will be.