Sportsman Warehouse has .284" 160gr AB!

Thanks for the heads up.
Go get 'em boys.

Ridgerunner665":1f0qz4b4 said:
I got some too...but I got them from Midway...5 boxes.
What was Midway's shipping? That was the reason for using Sportsman Warehouse. Usually Midway's shipping is high.
$10 I think...

Shipping is expensive these days...I'm a pretty loyal Midway customer, they've been good to me over the years and every time I order something I donate a little to the NRA through them...I usually try to buy stuff in big enough bunches that the consolidated shipping cost is offset for the most part...which is why I don't order much stuff from SPS, by the time I pay's cheaper from Midway.

I didn't want to miss these bullets I ate the shipping on this one.

Sorta caught me at a bad time...or I would have gotten at least 500...I'll order more in a couple weeks if the supply lasts that long, lol...if not, 250 should last me until the next run...I hope.
I understand. I have 100 seconds, and ordered 200 from Sportsman Warhouse. I also had a code for free shipping. Without that code it would have been $8.95 shipping.