Spring bear hunting


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
I finally have a chance to post up a few pictures from this spring. I did not get out nearly as much as I would have liked during the prime bear hunting in May I had to quit my job and find a new one and I just didn't have it in me to go out. On the positive side my new job is going well and they are happy with me.

I was only able to get out once for grizzly my wife and I camped out the week end of May 19-20th it was fun to be out with her and spend some good time together.

Roasting weiners at the Lakelse River


The perfect coho pool they will be laying all around that log in late September-early October


The mighty 375 Ruger standing guard


Hunting the powerlines


I was able to take out the son of a friend of mine for black bear a couple of times, we went for the day on May 27 but did not get a bear, there is a lot of powerline building activity here right now and it messed up our hunting, however in 3 or 4 years the hunting will be fantasic in these new areas :)

Fast forward to June 9-10th. Matt and his dad and myself went out again for black bear in a different area and camped out, it was a great time to be out there, I really enjoyed it. We were able to get Matt onto a smaller bear with a really good hide but he was shaking so bad with buck fever he couldn't shoot :) We followed the bear around for a while before it finally had enough of us, an experienced hunter could have shot that bear many times but this was Matt's first time hunting. He felt bad about it not working out but I told him we all have to learn and I was pleased that he held off shooting when he couldn't make a good shot. We have the summer to practice and in the first 2 weeks of September we can head up to the high blueberry patches and find lots of bears there.

Good bear and goat country


Bear dropping at our campsite


Breakfast at 4:30 am June 10, it was cold that night our stuff was covered with ice :)




More scenery pictures



Checking out the fossil beds on the way out, this was a clam bed at one time





The end for this spring.

Great post. I didn't get out nearly enough this spring; there was simply too much going on. I chuckled at the description of shaking on the first bear. I have a video of myself hyperventilating some years back on my first bear. I never did pull the trigger.
We have all been there with buck fever :) we will get Matt out for some more practice this summer. I have had big blacktailed deer turn me into a quivering mess before :)
Beautiful pictures Gerry. I only made it out once this spring myself. Life sure gets in the way sometimes!
Great pictures Gerry! Way to go with the first timer. Hope he is hooked!
Thanks for the photos Gerry. Looks like great country for hunting, fishing or just general poking-around.

It's funny about that adrenaline dump called "buck fever" - it even reared up and got me a couple of years ago when I had a nice big buck in front of me. I couldn't shoot... Really surprised me. Generally I'm real calm when it comes to shooting something - pleased afterwards, but calm up to and during. Ah well, got a smaller buck later that year as I recall.

First time hunters can really surprise a fellow.

Thanks again for the great photos Gerry. Nicely done.

Great Pics gerry ! Looks like you and the wife were out on a lovely picnic roasting those wieners there !
You didn't cook up those bear droppings did ya ? :shock: LOL

See Ya :grin: RJ
It was great to get out and enjoy the country that we live in, there is no better place to be when it's sunny :) Jim, we didn't cook the bear droppings, do you guys in the Cariboo do that? :lol: :mrgreen:
Jim, we didn't cook the bear droppings, do you guys in the Cariboo do that?

Man, that could put me off hunting the Cariboo ever again! I'll be more cautious about stopping for lunch when travelling to the Big Smoke.
DrMike":2he2f03q said:
Jim, we didn't cook the bear droppings, do you guys in the Cariboo do that?

Man, that could put me off hunting the Cariboo ever again! I'll be more cautious about stopping for lunch when travelling to the Big Smoke.

We saute them and then pour choclate srupp over them ! Very Good ! Try them ! :wink:

Cheers RJ :)
Man, I loved it, boy do I ever have the itch. Great country, great pictures and I surely enjoyed your post. :mrgreen: