- Apr 30, 2016
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This time of year the itch to get out after those spring gobblers sets in..I think its probably my favorite type of hunting...For several years my family took a hiatus from from spring gobbler hunting after a "hunter" (and i use that term loosely) mistook my grandfather and his old Lynch box call for a turkey and shot him twice, resulting in his death..So it was a long time before I took up the sport again, but that nervous feeling and the fear that some idiot would take a shot at me lingered for several seasons..But now the passion is back in full effect and I've been in my shop making wood chips fly! I just finished up this one and it is full of raspy old hen! I can't wait to get out with it opening morning! It's a copper scratch surface with a glass sounding board (resonator) underneath and in a nice piece of rare Ciricote wood that is native to the Caribbean..Paired it with a blue gum striker..It's the 3rd or 4th one of these I've made, but usually end up giving them away.