Starting Work on the .284 Today


Nov 8, 2006
Well, I got the call that the shop is starting work on the .284 today. Twenty-four inch Hart barrel, Winchester push feed long action allowing for an OAL of ~3.150 inches, action blue-printed and nestled into a pillar bedded Featherweight stock. This should be fun--something new to play with (if I could ever get away to do so :evil: ).
VERY NICE! Yeah, I think you are onto something here Mike.. I think that is going to be very nice. What contour did you go with? Twist? Sounds very nice. Should be a very portable combo too.
SJB358":2zalie94 said:
VERY NICE! Yeah, I think you are onto something here Mike.. I think that is going to be very nice. What contour did you go with? Twist? Sounds very nice. Should be a very portable combo too.

Nine twist; I don't remember if I brought in a #3 or a #4. I vaguely remember asking to maintain factory taper for the Featherweight, but I can't verify that at the moment. :oops:
SJB358":1kis8wkn said:
At your age Mike, I am glad you can keep it all straight! :lol:

True, dat. :grin: I want the rifle long enough I can use it as a walking stick. :shock: I may never shoot anything with it, but I'll manage another trip or two to the field. :mrgreen:
DrMike":32qsbvy8 said:
SJB358":32qsbvy8 said:
At your age Mike, I am glad you can keep it all straight! :lol:

True, dat. :grin: I want the rifle long enough I can use it as a walking stick. :shock: I may never shoot anything with it, but I'll manage another trip or two to the field. :mrgreen:

HA! Good dual use.. Now your talking buddy..
Mike, I remember many years ago, seein' my first .284 Winchester rifle. It was a Ruger, owned by an old cowboy in Wyoming. He got 2 boxes of 150 gr. factory loads with the rifle and wanted me to reload his empty cases. I thought (then) that it would be a fine, light rifle round. Indeed, it has proved to be just that 8) !

Kinda like an early "7MM WSM", sorta :) !
Anticipation is growing. I also initiated serious planning on an 8X68S today. Tentatively looking at a Borden Rimrock stock, a PacNor barrel and an appropriate action. At least it is moving beyond the planning stage. I can hope the .284 is completed soon. I'll be certain to post some pictures.
nvbroncrider":1lnaovcl said:
Shot the 7X57 yet?

No. :oops: I haven't even had time to mount the scope yet, Jake. It is on my "to do" list. But that may be a couple of more weeks at the rate things are going.
Hey Mike you wouldn't happen to be making this build a lefty :wink: I think it is it would be a great decision as then it could be handed down to that grandson of your :).

Good deal Mike.
I really like the 284 Win, lots of cool factor.
What bullet are you going with?

Congrats on starting the build Mike :mrgreen: sounds like you have a well planned build and wish you the best with the results but it sounds like it will be a sweet rig for sure !

Noah can learn to shoot with the proper hand. :twisted:


There is little doubt that I'll work up a load with the 150 grain ABLR. Also, I'm enamored of the 150 grain E-Tip.

The 150 gr ABLR should really sing out of the 284 Win.

I believe it will be just the ticket, Jim. Moreover, I have a couple of hundred to work with.