Sunday at the range.


Dec 2, 2010
Today I took couple .22LR, 2 30-30s, an AR15, 22-250, and the .338WM.

My goal with the .338 was to shoot one shot at 100 yards then move the target to the max distance at this range (186 yards) and shoot one more round. The first shot at 100 yards was 1" high from point of aim and the shot at 186 was 2.25" low from point of aim. I put the scope at 3x for these two shots because I wanted to shot it like I would from my tree stand. I am happy with the results but feel that the second shot was a little low. I am guessing it was the shooter more than the load. This was with the 210PT and 75gr of RL19. (If I aim a touch high at 200, there should be a dead deer waiting for me.)

The 22-250 did well again.

I used IMR 4064 and 55 VMax bullets.

100 yards

186 yards

I am going to take 36.1 and play with the OAL next.

My AR did well with 55 VMax bullets also, but I am going to stick with Varmageddon bullets. Over all this rifle shoots 1.5 with a few different bullets.

My dad's 30-30 shot factory 170gr Rem Core-Loks into a 6" circle at 100 yards.
My great grandfather's 30-30 put 2 of 4 rounds into a 6" circle at 100 yards. It was cool to shoot these rifles. I know my dad's has not been shot in years and as far as I know, my great grandfather's has never been shot. If it has been shot, it has to be less than 20 rounds. I know it was the first time being fired in 30 years.

My 22LRs did well at 50 yards with Rem Thunderbolts. They are within a minute of crow.
Good shooting once again WT. If you don't have a dead deer at 200 yards rest assured it's the Indian not the arrows.

Great shooting buddy! Sounds like a great day on the range. Your 338 sounds pretty good to me. I would think it will put a serious hammering on any whitetail that comes around.
It happened again today. I was loading up the .338 for my last shot at 186 and a doe and her fawn came out between the 100 and 186 target and stood on the range. I am taking this as a sign. The last two times at the range I have had a deer standing next to the target while I am loading the .338.
wisconsinteacher":3r63j39a said:
It happened again today. I was loading up the .338 for my last shot at 186 and a doe and her fawn came out between the 100 and 186 target and stood on the range. I am taking this as a sign. The last two times at the range I have had a deer standing next to the target while I am loading the .338.

Third times a charm. :wink:

I might just sit at the bench during rifle season. I can shoot my other rifles and when a deer comes out, grab the .338!!!
wisconsinteacher":2w436xq4 said:
I might just sit at the bench during rifle season. I can shoot my other rifles and when a deer comes out, grab the .338!!!

It's nice to do your shooting and scouting at the same location. :grin:

WT you seemed to have everything in order:)
Hopefully you will have photos of venison before it goes to the processor:) & a good story.
