Synthetic stocks and hollow butts


Dec 13, 2006
I have a couple Finnlights that are great rifles. My only want is to fill the butt stock with something to get rid of the hallow sound when it is hit by a branch or similar.

I see people butting expanding foam into butt stocks, but worry about splitting the stock.

What else do people use?
Hmmm... Good time to switch to one of those awesome Oregon Myrtlewood stocks??? :grin:
"I see people butting expanding foam into butt stocks, but worry about splitting the stock."

I've done it on a Butler Creek and two Ramline synthetic stocks. No problem with splitting. I know that stuff is safe with those two stocks, but can't say on any other make. One fellow on another site tried it and he said it turned his stock to goo. :shock: I don't know what make stock he had.
On the Butler Creek stock, I filled the butt and the forearm as well. That 30-06 is one of my most accurate rifles. Other than the stock, it's just a strictly stock J.C. Higgins M50 FN Mauser.
I have another Tupperware stock off a short action Winchester M70 I'm thinking of putting on an M70 Youth Ranger in .308. It's in a Ramline right now but the Winchester stock is a bit lighter. I'll do a foam job on that one and we'll see. I also have a Winchester Tupperware stock off a Stainless Classing in .338 Mag. that is a POS. Maybe I'll shoot the foam into that one first. If it doesn't eat up the stock I'll do the one for the .308.
Seriously, that expanding foam shouldn't exert that much pressure that it would split the stock. Dunno how thin the walls are on your stocks though.
Paul B.
If it were just a Remington SPS stock, would use to less expanding foam foam to experiement, but the Finnlight stocks are a bit pricey to replace.

You could check out a product called Rebound 25, made by Smooth On Eric. It is used for molding and casting different items. It has an expansion ratio of much less than 1%, turns into solid rubber and you can pour it into the butt stock. I use a bunch of it, and it is the "go to" product we use for alot of our work. It is a silicone rubber, with platinum so it is very good stuff.. ... index.html
I thought we were going to read about the Chinese stock-market and
our govermental politicians :lol: :lol: :lol: !
Kodiak":19t5nyws said:
I thought we were going to read about the Chinese stock-market and
our govermental politicians :lol: :lol: :lol: !

Good one, Jim. Excellent. However, politicians on Washington tend to be a tad broad in the get-along; and while they may be full of gas (and other such odoriferous materials), I would be loath to describe them as hollow.