t/c triumph bone collector .50 cal.


Dec 26, 2009
Can i use 150 grain pyrodex with 295 gr. powerbelts in this inline rifle?Right now i am only using 100 gr. and am hitting 3 inches low at 150 yards.I am new to blackpowder hunting so could use a little help.

Modern inlines can use 150 grs as in three pellets. If loose powder, 120 grs.
Double check your manual.

my scope is already dialed up as far as it can go.I have it on rings that are high enough to clear the sights on the barrel.I know it is set a little high but was hoping to find another way to raise the bullet without changing scope mounts.
thats a really odd situation........
what kind of scope is it?

it wouldnt take much of a shim on the rear base to raise POI 3"

increasing velocity wont likely make any POI change at 100 yards.

you could also try swapping the front and rear base/ring.... maybe your scope is pointing a few degrees above line of sight and swapping the mounts would point it down providing some adjustment for you.
It is a bushnell trophy model.I will try the shim and see what happens what type of material works best for a shim?
thats a red dot? right?
a bore sighter would be a big help, but not for a red dot.
for experimentation..... you can use whatever you want.... paper, cardstock, etc..... whatever might be easiest to cut into the right shape.

when you're done tinkering with it and want to install a permanent shim, use plastic.......
part of a milk jug
the lid from a margarin tub


once you know how much shim you need, you can remove that much from the front base. easily done if it's flat..... need to find a perfect dowel if its round (broom stick, pipe, etc) remember that ten thousandths is ALOT! which is why you should play with paper shims first, then you can just sand off what you need and reasemble and go to the range!!

and you should probably lap the rings once you are done screwing with it.
elkslayer132":2dm8x4jz said:
It is a bushnell trophy model.I will try the shim and see what happens what type of material works best for a shim?

Cut some aluminum from a soda can.