Teflon coated my 300 RUM!


Dec 20, 2008
I will take some pictures later not much to really see as its just flat black but I am really happy with it. Used the stuff from brownells and an airbrush after blasting everything with aluminum oxide. then baked it all on I did everything except the trigger the magazine spring follower bolt etc!

Next I am going to do my 204 in coyote brown and put a black synthetic stock on it.

SO far so good

Sounds nice. Looking forward to the pictures.

now I need to decide which stock I want to put on it

Laminate or bc alaskan?
I just put that B&C Medalist on my 338WM and it seems to be a very well built stock. Pretty nice stocks for the money, at least to my knowledge. Looking to have a range report here shortly and I will let you know how it shoots. Good luck, can't wait to see the pictures. Scotty
I like the looks of the Teflon coating. I've Tefloned two of my 356s and I have a Model 94 chambered in 375 that will be Tefloned this week.