tell me why


Mar 13, 2009
im shooting three shot groups of win. xp3 elites in 150gr out of my win. 270wsm im letting the barrel cool after three shots and cleaning with butch's bore shine,, the groups are all over the place sometimes to the right sometimes to the left also high and low,, i thought it might be the scope being loose ,its not, i have shot some federal fusions and they grouped very well so i dont think its anything to do with the rifle or scope,, im getting ready to go on a cow elk hunt at the end of the month so ive got to find a good shooting round that will stand up to the cow,, im not sure the federal fusions will,, i dont understand why the wins. are so eratic ,, tell me why,,,,,,,,,,
It sounds like your rifle just doesn't like that combination. What were the Fed Fusions that shot well, and won't you use those for your hunt?

I did notice you said, "im letting the barrel cool after three shots and cleaning with butch's bore shine", How much time between the three shots are you waiting? When I load develope, I wait around five minutes between EACH shot for my three shot test groups and then about ten minutes before starting a new three shot test group.

FWIW, use the Fed Fusions and go harvest an elk. As with any caliber, shot place is the most important factor.
I have yet to witness any of the xp3 ammunition shoot well out of a variety of rifles. It is almost as if the bullet is too complex to stabilize.
ive been doing a little reading on other sites about the xp3 i WAS using and it seems theres alot of un-happy shooters that are using it,, ive always had good results with win. ammo but the xp3 just isnt working for me ,, (What were the Fed Fusions that shot well, and won't you use those for your hunt? )
i was using the 150gr in a m70 270wsm i went with the wins xp3 because it was supposed to be a better bullet for the heavier game
Use the 150 grain Federal Fusion bullets on your elk hunt. They will work just fine. Better yet, get the Federal load that uses 150 grain Partitions for that little extra confidence when the shot is less than ideal.
Does anything else work well in the rifle? Reloads or factory?
pop,, the rifle is very new to me so as of now the only ammo that has been shot is the federal fusions and the win. xp3, i havent ran any reloads but i do plan on it after this hunt at the end of nov. ,,ammo selection is very limited here and i dont think ill have the time to order before the hunt begins (nov. 28 ) i did call wally world they have one box of the win. ballistic tips in 130gr,, im gonna go to the other place here today and see what they have ,, i do have a box of win. power point xp2 in 150gr but i dont feel thats enough bullet for a cow,, im really hopeing to find a partician type bullet ( federal vital shock ) in a 140 ta 150gr
Don't worry about the 150 grain powerpoint. If they will shoot well, they will floor an elk.I am reloading the old 130 grain silvertips,occasionally, as I have a pile of them. They make a complete pass through. If you are not confident, get a box of partitions, and the problem is solved.
If the Fusion bullets shoot well then use them. Thay are a bonded bullets and will hold together and penatrate well.
if i want to use the 270wsm im gonna have to use the win. 150gr power points,, no ammo in town and im not gonna have time to order :cry: i may just grab the trusty 30/06 and roll some 165gr particians,, i sure wanted to see how the 270 would do,,,
Romex, I've had mixed results with Winchester Factory stuff. Some quite good, other times..... :? Remington, on the other hand, is rolling some nice stuff. If I was in your shoes, I'd take the Federal Fusion and feel very comfortable.
I would have 0 reservations using either the 150gr Fusion or Power Points on elk. They may not be Partitioned type bullets but they hace great SD for a 270 and leave plenty of bullet to expand amd penetrate. I shot the factory 150 PP out of mine and it shot really well. Don't sweat spending big money on something else, when the less expensive stuff shoots better and do in any cow elk. Plus, that 150PP shoots pretty fast in most rifles and will give you excellent trajectory and power for a longer shot. Scotty
i may just do that with the win. power points,,, i should have started looking for a round a little sooner than i did but really its kinda not my fault my town just does'nt have any factory ammo out of three stores they only had one box of 30/06 and no 270wsm for cryin out loud :cry:
romx.I gotta ask if you are firing a fowler after each cleaning and suspect cleaning after every three shots is probably not necesary as well.