Had two friends from five miles north of me call and ask if I'd help them sight in their rifles.....day before deer hunt they were going to make! Mind you now...these are good guys....slightly 'Redneckish' but good guys! Both show up with 7MM Mags and hunting in timber where their longest shot would be maybe 100 yards! I took each to the 200 yard line where I have a 32"x34" AR500 plate painted white set up. One rifle was with Mauser action....other was some off-brand I can't even recall. Both rifles equipped with a scopes I'd never heard of but well within the category of Otasco! Making a long story short.....I never did get one rifle zeroed as when making needed adjustments to come to center....the correct response went awry! Either too much...or not enough...or three times more/less movement came about! My point? These guys are probably indicative of 95% of the 'hunters' in this area whereby if a hit on a five gallon bucket is made from 50 yards...well...that's good enuff!! I doubt very seriously that these guys ever fire over ten rounds throughout any year!!
