A couple, or three, threads ago some of us were debating if you needed to resize a case after you drove the bullet out. I wasn't aware that you did. You stated something about "neck tension" and that you did in fact need to resize the brass.
Last night, while loading, I had cause to have to pull two bullets and resize them. I marked them and shot them in my rifle this morning but wanted to see if they were going to be "flyers" that would open up my group. Sure enough, nice tight group except for those two.
I have sufficiently proven to myself that one cannot just pull the bullet and reuse the case unless you resize. If it wasn't for your explanation, and answer in that thread, I would've continued to chase my tail thinking I wasn't getting good groups.
Thank you again and the group here is why this is one of my favorite forums. It lacks the bombast and braggard aspects of most online venues.
Last night, while loading, I had cause to have to pull two bullets and resize them. I marked them and shot them in my rifle this morning but wanted to see if they were going to be "flyers" that would open up my group. Sure enough, nice tight group except for those two.
I have sufficiently proven to myself that one cannot just pull the bullet and reuse the case unless you resize. If it wasn't for your explanation, and answer in that thread, I would've continued to chase my tail thinking I wasn't getting good groups.
Thank you again and the group here is why this is one of my favorite forums. It lacks the bombast and braggard aspects of most online venues.