Thank You Fotis!


May 26, 2012
A couple, or three, threads ago some of us were debating if you needed to resize a case after you drove the bullet out. I wasn't aware that you did. You stated something about "neck tension" and that you did in fact need to resize the brass.

Last night, while loading, I had cause to have to pull two bullets and resize them. I marked them and shot them in my rifle this morning but wanted to see if they were going to be "flyers" that would open up my group. Sure enough, nice tight group except for those two.

I have sufficiently proven to myself that one cannot just pull the bullet and reuse the case unless you resize. If it wasn't for your explanation, and answer in that thread, I would've continued to chase my tail thinking I wasn't getting good groups.

Thank you again and the group here is why this is one of my favorite forums. It lacks the bombast and braggard aspects of most online venues.

My pleasure sir. Sometimes such failures (that we all encounter) teach us our lessons.
Vince, I look at it as it takes just a few minutes to resized them. But If you miss the animal of a life time because of not doing it.. Humm.. Just my 3 cents. Inflation you know.
russ808":15lgjdpu said:
Vince, I look at it as it takes just a few minutes to resized them. But If you miss the animal of a life time because of not doing it.. Humm.. Just my 3 cents. Inflation you know.

Hmmmm. The cost of living is accelerating on the Island? Good advice, Russ.
I've only been loading a year and just figuring this stuff out and learning as I go.
Vince I thought I knew what I was doing till I closed my lips and opened my ears. These guys have made me a much better hand loader and I'm thankful to you all every time I log in.
+1 Well said Scotty. I learn something new everyday. We can learn the hard way or swallow our pride and learn from others experiences and do it the easy way!
Now I'm playing with the seating depth.
I got a halfway decent load with the Nosler Ballistic Tips out of my .300 Wench but trying to improve on 0.7". I've bumped it up to 3.550", from 3.498" to be exactly 0.02" off the lands. My rifle seems to shoot better the longer I make my overall length. I'll test them next week.