Dec 31, 2012 Thread starter #4 C CZ Handloader Jun 21, 2007 463 0 One will never know, the ranch has low fence, the deer had been seen in the ranch, and yes it was shot.
One will never know, the ranch has low fence, the deer had been seen in the ranch, and yes it was shot.
Jan 2, 2013 #5 FOTIS Range Officer Staff member Oct 30, 2004 24,505 3,712 What a shame man! Oh well.....nature doing what she does best.
Jan 2, 2013 #6 JD338 Range Officer Staff member Nov 4, 2004 25,717 10,101 That is a nice buck. Too bad the hunter wasn't able to find it. The coyotes can do that in one night around here. JD338
That is a nice buck. Too bad the hunter wasn't able to find it. The coyotes can do that in one night around here. JD338
Jan 2, 2013 #7 S sask boy Ammo Smith Nov 4, 2007 5,999 14 Yes it is a shame, we have so many yotes down at the farm that we saw it happen over night to a 5pt bull elk. They even had eaten the nose over night They have shot amost 20 already just traveling back and forth to work every day. Blessings, Dan
Yes it is a shame, we have so many yotes down at the farm that we saw it happen over night to a 5pt bull elk. They even had eaten the nose over night They have shot amost 20 already just traveling back and forth to work every day. Blessings, Dan
Jan 3, 2013 #8 S SJB358 Ballistician Dec 24, 2006 32,518 3,450 Man, what a buck. Sorry to hear the hunter wasn't able to claim more of it!